Page 24 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 24

Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers /
    Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers
             New     Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for LC-MS


            Pave the way for the future

            of clinical research.

            Operational improvements in LC-MS systems have made LC/MS an
            advantageous technique for clinical research, thanks to its specificity, its
            accuracy and its capability to analyze several targets simultaneously. The
            CLAM-2040 is an online automated sample preparation module that
            brings LC-MS smoothly into your laboratory. The CLAM-2040
    Mass Spectrometry Systems
            accompanies you on most of the analytical workflow and improves your
            overall throughput by drastically reducing the sample preparation time.   Typical LC/MS analysis workflow in the clinical research laboratory.
            Simply place the blood tubes in position and the CLAM-2040 performs
            the next steps automatically, from sample extraction up to LC/MS   Analysis   Sample   Sample preparation   LC-MS/MS  Data post-  Review
            analysis and data processing. It can be connected to the LCMS-  (LIS) and   and transfer   10–60 min   analysis   processing    and result
                                                                                                     <1 min
                                                                                               2–5 min
            9050/9030/8060NX/8060/8050/8045/8040 systems.            sampling  to the lab                 report (LIS)
             Volume in preparation vial  350 μL maximum                                    One result every 12 to 60 min.
                             Sample dispensing, reagent dispensing, shaking,
             Preparation functions  suction filtration and heating  CLAM-2040 + LC/MS improved analysis workflow.
                             *Up to 20 steps can be set in a protocol.
             Sample handling  Multiple sample preparations overlap.  Analysis   Sample   Sample     Review
             Onboard preparation vial                                request   registration   prep. 4 min LC-MS/MS  Data post-   (option)
             capacity        Up to 60 filter vials and 60 collection vials  (LIS) and   and transfer    and up to    analysis   processing    and result
                                                                     sampling  to the lab  3 samples   2–5 min  <1 min  report (LIS)
            Note 1: LC and LCMS units are not included with this product.         at once
            Note 2: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                                Brochure No. C146-E469          These steps are managed by
                                                                                the CLAM-2040 and LC-MS instrument.
                                                                                     One result every 2.6 min.
                                                                                                           Product >
            Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

            Smart Solutions for Maximizing the Potential of
            GC-MS systems, which are used in all sorts of fields, have now become a general purpose
            tool for analysis. Consequently, customers are increasingly demanding GC-MS systems that
            offer higher performance for the cost and enable a better work–life balance for operators.
            The GCMS-QP2020 NX maximizes the potential of laboratories by offering efficiency
            improvements for various aspects of analytical work.

             Active Time Management                               Smart EI/CI Ion Source
            Active time management helps visualize how much time was spent on   The newly developed Smart EI/CI ion source can be used to acquire CI
            maintenance, switching between systems, or performing analyses, for   data without exchanging ion sources or losing the general applicability
            example, to help manage the instrument downtime more appropriately.   of EI sensitivity. With the EI mode, even if identification is difficult using
            By automating tasks previously performed by users, it enables more   a mass spectral library, molecular weight information can be collected
            efficient system operation.                          from the CI mode data, which is especially useful for predicting
                                     Automatic System Startup/Shutdown  unknown compounds.
                                                                            441       No ion source       441
                                                                  100            EI             100            CI
                                                                  75 57             replacement necessary  75
                                                                  50                             50      385  647
                                                                  25  91 191 308385              25  106  329  483 591
                                                                   0                             0
                                                                        250  500                       250  500
                                                                   Confirmation of Mass Spectrum  Smart EI/CI ion source  Confirmation of Molecular
                                                                                                     Weight Information
                                                                   EI data                 Based on the EI mass   MW: 646
                                                                   CI data                 spectrum and CI molecular
                                                                                           weight information, the
                                                                                           substance is presumed
                                                                                           to be tris(2,4-di-tert-
                                           Automatic Tuning Decision-Making  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  20.0  22.5  butylphenyl) phosphite,
                                                                                        min                m/z 441
                                                                   Example of Analyzing Extract from a Packaging  used as an oxidation
                                                                     Container (Extracted with 20 % Ethanol)  inhibitor.
                                     Time Management for Continuous Analysis
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C146-E367
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