Page 20 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
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Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers
Liquid Chromatograph Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Liquid Chromatograph Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
LCMS-8050 LCMS-8045
Mass Spectrometry Systems
Thanks to a heated ESI probe and the UFsweeper III collision cell, the Equipped with a heated ESI probe, the LCMS-8045 has the highest
LCMS-8050 achieves a level of sensitivity 30 times that of the LCMS-8030. sensitivity in its class. The heated ESI probe, high-temperature heating
The UF Technology, the ultrafast measurement technology built into the block, desolvation line (DL) and drying gas, all act to promote
LCMS-2020 has further evolved, so measurements can now be performed desolvation and prevent contamination due to the penetration of liquid
even faster, without sacrificing data quality. At the same time, more droplets into the MS unit. This improves the robustness, so reliable and
compounds can now be measured in simultaneous qualitative and high-accuracy data can be obtained over the long term. The LCMS-
quantitative analysis. The system can be used in a wide range of fields for 8045 also achieves scan speed (30,000 u/sec) and polarity switching
a variety of applications, such as quantitative analysis which requires high speed (5 msec). These enable ultra-high-speed, high-sensitivity analysis.
sensitivity, multicomponent simultaneous analysis, and screening. Mass range m/z 2 to 2,000
Mass range m/z 2 to 2,000 Resolution R < 0.7 u (FWHM)
Resolution R < 0.7 u (FWHM) Scan speed Max. 30,000 u/sec
Scan speed Max. 30,000 u/sec Positive-negative ion polarity switching time 5 msec
Positive-negative ion polarity switching time 5 msec MRM measurement speed Max. 555 ch/sec
MRM measurement speed Max. 555 ch/sec Note: LC units are not included with this product.
Brochure No. C146-E321
Note: LC units are not included with this product.
Brochure No. C146-E232
Liquid Chromatograph Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
LCMS-8040 LCMS-2020
The LCMS-8040 was designed to provide significantly higher sensitivity LCMS-2020 is optimized for the Prominence UFLC/UFLCXR Ultra Fast
while maintaining the high speed offered by the LCMS-8030. Ultrafast Liquid Chromatograph. Novel patent-pending technologies offer
MRM transition speeds, up to 555 MRMs per second (dwell times of 1 significantly enhanced scan speed and positive–negative ion polarity
msec and pause times of 1 msec) are achieved. In addition, the LCMS- switching time, which are essential for UFLC, and simultaneously boost
8040 features the world’s fastest* polarity switching at 15 msec and high sensitivity. The instrument combines the excellent compound selectivity
speed scanning rate of 15,000 u/sec. By incorporating newly improved that is a feature of the mass spectrometer with significantly enhanced
ion optics UF-Lens and UFsweeper II collision cell technology, the LCMS- total productivity – from method development to analysis. The LCMS-
8040 provides higher multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) sensitivity. This 2020 plays a useful role in a range of fields, including the synthesis of
higher sensitivity expands the potential range of LC/MS/MS applications. compounds in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
* As of May 2012, according to a Shimadzu survey Mass range m/z 10 to m/z 2,000
Mass range m/z 10 to 2000 Sensitivity ESI: reserpine 1 pg, S/N > 150 (RMS)
Resolution R < 0.7 FWHM APCI: reserpine 1 pg, S/N > 100 (RMS)
Scan speed Max. 15,000 u/sec Resolution R = 2 M
Positive-negative ionization switching time 15 msec Scan speed Max. 15,000 u/sec
MRM measurement speed Max. 555 ch/sec Positive-negative ion polarity switching time 15 msec
Note: LC units are not included with this product.
Note: LC units are not included with this product.
Brochure No. C146-E188 Brochure No. C146-E121