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Gas Chromatographs

          Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detection Gas Chromatograph  Gas Chromatograph for Versatile Applications
          Nexis SCD-2030                                      GC-2014 Series                                           Chromatography Systems

          This sulfur chemiluminescence detector (SCD) offers high reliability that   The GC-2014 offers good expandability by mounting multiple injection   Mass Spectrometry Systems
          has changed industry reliability levels. It features the industry’s first   units and detectors, and accommodating both packed columns and
          horizontally-oriented redox cell, which improves oxidation-reduction   capillary columns. A multipurpose, space- saving GC that features
          reaction efficiency of samples by providing ample reaction space and   today's leading-edge technologies, the GC-2014 delivers high   Life Science Lab Systems
          reaction time within the cell. The patent-pending ultra-short flow path   performance, including excellent reproducibility and a highly sensitive
          technology enables unstable components generated within the cell to   detection level, while the electronic flow controller and clear menu text
          move into the reaction bar very quickly, thereby achieving about 2.5   make operation a breeze.
          times higher sensitivity than previous products. The horizontal   Column temperature  (Room temperature + 10°C) to 400°C
          orientation also provides easier access to enable inner pyro tube   Carrier gas control  Digital setting by electronic flow controller (AFC)
          replacement without disassembling the reactor. “Analytical   Sample injector  Dual for packed, single for packed, split/splitless, direct injection
          Intelligence” technology fully automates process steps from gas and   Detectors  FID, TCD, ECD, FPD, FTD
                                                                            240 × 320 dot graphics display (30 characters × 16 lines)
          temperature control during system startup to sample conditioning.                                            Spectroscopy Systems
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C184-E014
          Minimum detection   0.3 pgS/sec
          Stability    <3 %RSD (24 hrs)
                                             Brochure No. C184-E048
          Energy Saving Capillary Gas Chromatograph           Auto Injector/Auto Sampler for GC/GC-MS
          GC-2025                                             AOC Series                                              Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

                                                                      AOC-20s U      AOC-30i                          Measurement Systems  Environmental
          Shimadzu’s new-generation GC-2025 capillary gas chromatograph   The AOC-30i is a next-generation intelligent auto injector with Sampler
          minimizes environmental impact by reducing power and carrier gas   Navigator functionality that is packed with injection expertise. The skip
          consumption while retaining the performance capabilities required for   function uses vial-sensing technology to increase throughput and help
          capillary analysis. The GC-2025 incorporates a digital flow controller   improve data integrity. The 30-vial sample capacity is large enough to   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          that controls both the carrier and detector gases and a newly designed   handle most workflows, but can be expanded to 150 vials in
          energy-saving column oven that features small volume and less heating   combination with an AOC-20s U auto sampler. Though the AOC-20i
          loss, realizing a dramatic improvement in operability. The compact   Plus offers exceptional cost-effectiveness for broad market appeal, it
          GC-2025 is the gas chromatograph for environmentally friendly, high   also features extensive functionality, such as co-injecting derivatizing
          value performance.                                  agents.
          Column temperature  (Room temperature + 10°C) to 400°C                  Auto Injector       Auto Sampler
                       Digital setting of pressure, flow rate and split ratio by electronic   AOC-30i  AOC-20i Plus  AOC-20s U
          Carrier gas control  flow controller (AFC)           Number of vials  30    6/12         150                Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
                       Constant control of column average linear velocity  Nexis GC-2030,  GC-2010/2014/2025,
          Sample injector  Split/splitless injection unit (SPL)  Applicable models  GCMS-NX series  GCMS-QP/TQ series  All of GC, GCMS
          Detectors    FID (Hydrogen flame ionization detector)                         Brochure No. AOC-30 series C180-E096
          Minimum detected quantity 2.0 pgC/s (dodecane)                                         AOC-20i/20s C189-E021
          Display      30 characters × 16 lines, permits chromatogram display
                                             Brochure No. C184-E026                                                 15
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