Page 13 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 13

Liquid Chromatographs

          High Performance Liquid Chromatograph               High Performance Liquid Chromatograph System
          i-Series Method Transfer System                     LC-2030C NT                                              Chromatography Systems

          This system includes two streams respectively configured for UHPLC and   As HPLC becomes more commonplace, there is growing demand for   Mass Spectrometry Systems
          HPLC volumes. Therefore, in addition to supporting a wide range of   instruments that cater to both novices and experts. The LC-2030C NT
          applications for various testing methods, it can also streamline the   provides a simple touch-screen user interface and a workflow that
          process of converting HPLC analytical/testing methods to high-speed   requires no specialist training. The Shim-pack NT-ODS is a slide-in   Life Science Lab Systems
          UHPLC methods. That means analytical/testing methods established   column that can be inserted in one motion, with no need for a wrench
          using a non-Shimadzu HPLC system can be migrated with excellent   or other tools. The column is automatically connected into the ow path
          reproducibility, which can significantly reduce the amount of work   with no risk of human error. The dedicated Shim-pack NT-ODS is a
          involved in analytical method validation. ACTO functionality included in   monolithic-type column. The packing state of its separation medium is
          LabSolutions can not only be used to edit concentration gradient   maintained over a long continuous analysis, whereas a particle-type
          programs in existing methods but also move the injection timing based   column may deteriorate. The Shim-pack NT-ODS therefore provides
          on the difference in internal volumes between systems. It can even   long-term stability even over a large number of continuous injections.
          convert existing HPLC methods to high-speed methods by simply                           Brochure No. C190-E259  Spectroscopy Systems
          loading the HPLC method.
                                             Brochure No. C190-E269

          HPLC columns                                        Packed Columns for Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
          Shim-pack Scepter series                            Shim-pack UC series                                     Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

                                                    Product >                                            Product >    Measurement Systems  Environmental
          The Shim-pack Scepter series uses an organo-silica hybrid material for   When conducting analysis with the Nexera UC supercritical fluid
          the packing material to deliver superior performance and durability over   chromatography system, because diffusion of the sample band in the
          a wider range of analytical conditions than conventional silica particle-  mobile phase is high compared to liquid chromatography, separation
          type columns. With its rich particle size and column size lineup, it can be   behavior changes significantly depending on the types of columns used.   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          used for a wide variety of applications from ultrafast analysis to   The Shim-pack UC series was designed to meet diverse research and
          preparative separation.                             development needs with 20 types of stationary phases and sizes. It
                       C18-120, C18-300, HD-C18-80, C8-120, C4-300, Phenyl,   enables a wider range of analysis than other companies' SFC columns
          Stationary phases  PFPP, Diol                       and, in addition, there are 12 types of stationary phases with
          Particle diameter  1.9 µm, 3.0 µm, 5.0 µm           preparative sizes. Column scouting is effective by using a set of 6
          Column I. D.  2.1 mm, 3.0 mm, 4.6 mm
                                             Brochure No. C190-E221  columns, each providing a different separation selectivity.
                                                                            C18, Sil, Diol, Polybutylene terephthalate, Poly(4-vinylpyridine),
                                                               Stationary phases  Penta bromobenzyl, etc. (20 types in total)   Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
                                                                            Above is the contents of a 6 columns set.
                                                               Particle diameter  3.0 µm, 5.0 µm
                                                               Column I. D.  2.1 mm, 3.0 mm, 4.6 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C190-E251

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