Page 16 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 16

Gas Chromatographs /
    Software and Informatics

            GC Application System                                GC Application System
            Headspace Analysis System                            Distillation Gas Chromatograph System

    Chromatography Systems

                                            Nexis GC-2030 + HS-20 NX

            With short transfer lines and patented isolation gas technology, HS-20   The boiling point distribution of petroleum fractions can be measured
            NX series headspace samplers reduce carryover to one-tenth the level of   by simple operation from LabSolutions menus. This system supports
            previous models and significantly increase laboratory productivity. The   various distillation GC standards such as ASTM and JIS.

            ability to overlap processing of up to 12 vials makes the samplers   •  Analysis by total area method, internal standard method and external
            especially useful in fields that require high throughput. Featuring the   standard method

            world’s only* electronically-cooled trap, the HS-20 NX Trap enables over   •  Various conversion and calculation functions from distillation
            ten times higher sensitivity than regular headspace analysis. The product   characteristics (ASTM D86, D1160 conversion, flash point calculations,
            line also includes an HS-20 Long Transfer Line (LT) model compatible   NOACK calculations, Reid vapor pressure calculations, etc.)

            with packed columns.                                 •  Multiple distillation characteristic result comparison, statistical
            * As of August 2021, according to a Shimadzu survey   calculation functions
             Applicable models  Nexis GC-2030, GC-2010 Plus/2010, GC-2014      Nexis GC-2030 AF (with WBI or OCI) or GC-2014AF +
             Number of vials  90                                 System configuration   LabSolutions + Simulated Distillation GC Analysis Software
             Vial stirring  5-stage                              examples      (Select injection unit and column according to the target
                                                Brochure No. C180-E094
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C184-E030

            Solution for Method Development and Analytical Quality by Design  Optional Software for LabSolutions DB/CS
            LabSolutions MD                             New      Multi-Data Report

            Based on Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD), a method for evaluating   Multi-Data Report is an optional product that can be used together with
            and verifying analytical methods by clarifying the development process   LabSolutions CS/DB in order to create comprehensive reports that bring
            and rationale, this software streamlines the method development flow   together all of the analysis data acquired from a multiple number of
            from data acquisition using the experimental design method to   instruments. From the standpoint of data integrity, its use can be
            visualization using the design space, enabling the development of   effective, since the reports can be used for audit trails and digital
            optimal analytical methods even by non-expert users. Accurate peak   signatures. Reports combining data from a variety of different
            tracking is essential for the accurate prediction of separation. The   instruments connected to the system, including HPLC or GC, MS, FTIR,
            i-PeakTracer function provides automatic tracking of analyte peaks   UV, or electronic balance can be created.
            based on any chosen parameter, such as spectral similarity or area.                      Brochure No. C191-E029
            Utilizing mass data also enables reliable peak tracking of compounds
            with similar UV spectra. Design spaces provide a visual representation of
            the relationship between analytical conditions and separation, allowing
            the user to identify the most robust analytical conditions. Click on any
            analytical condition point in the design space and the software predicts
            how a given change in conditions affects separation behavior before
            running an analysis.
      16                                        Brochure No. C190-E278
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