Page 18 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 18

Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers
             New    Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer



            The LCMS-2050 is a single quadrupole liquid chromatograph mass
            spectrometer (LC-MS) that is easy to use, high in basic performance,
            and compact. The LabSolutions LCMS workstation for the LCMS-2050
            delivers streamlined instrument control and sophisticated data analysis
            using Analytical Intelligence. It also foresees and addressees the increase
            in demand for energy savings.
             Mass range            m/z 2 to 2,000
             Resolution            0.7 u
             Scan speed            Max. 5,000 u/sec
    Mass Spectrometry Systems
             Positive–negative ion polarity switching time  10 ms
            Note: LC units are not included with this product.
                                                Brochure No. C146-E442                                      Movies >

             Seamless integration with LC by design               Superior detection for added confidence
            Nexera series    We pursued ease of use as an LC detector in all   Inheriting Shimadzu’s patented technology, the
                             aspects of the instrument design, instrument   versatile LCMS-2050 delivers excellent data
                             control, and analysis data. As with other LC   quality. The LCMS-2050 provides the world’s
                             detectors, It can be integrated into any   fastest* performance, with a scan speed of
                             Shimadzu LC architecture, whether it is a   15,000 u/sec and a positive/negative ion switching
                             high-throughput analytical system, a   speed of 10 msec. Thanks to the sufficient
                             preparative LC with fraction collection, or even   sampling rate, the instrument reliably captures
                             a legacy model. And it as simple to use as other   sharp UHPLC peaks. The LCMS-2050 is equipped
                             LC detectors. Only the simplest of acquisition   with the newly developed Heated Dual Ion Source
                             parameters are required to obtain reliable and   (Heated DUIS) as the standard configuration. This
                             sensitive detection. The LCMS-2050 has a new   hybrid source combines the benefits of
                             “Mass- it” function that automatically overlays   electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical
                             mass information on chromatograms obtained   ionization (APCI), two orthogonal techniques widely used in mass
                             by an LC detector. This function reduces the   spectrometry. The result is excellent sensitivity achieved for compounds
                             trouble of comparing LC and MS      for a diverse range of chemical properties, including low-polarity
                             chromatograms and the risk of missing data.   compounds such as quintozene, which can not be detected with ESI but
                                                                 can be detected at high sensitivity with the heated DUIS.
                                                                                          * As of June 2022, according to a Shimadzu survey

                                                                          Conventional ESI         Heated DUIS
                                                                      Int. ×100,000  m/z 273.9  Int. ×100,000  m/z 273.9
                                                                   1.0                     1.0

                                                                   0.5                     0.5
                                                                   0.0                     0.0
                                 Mass-it function                          1.0   2.0  min          1.0   2.0  min
                                                                                 Mass chromatogram of quintozene
             Streamlined operation for cost efficiency
            Equipped with eco-friendly functions, it reduces energy by 43%   100
            compared to the LCMS-2020. It is certified as “Eco-Products Plus,”   80
            Shimadzu’s original environmentally conscious product designation. The   Power consumption  (%)  60
            system not only limits running costs during analysis, but contributes to   40  Approx. 43%
            realizing a carbon-free society by limiting CO 2 emissions.  20 0             Reduction
                                                                        Shimadzu Conventional LC-MS  LCMS-2050
                                                                                 Comparison of Power Consumption
                          This product is certified as Shimadzu’s Eco-Products Plus.
                          Reduced power consumption by 43% compared with   Assumptions: the ecology mode detects idle times and automatically shuts down the system
                          conventional Shimadzu’s products.      (vacuum not stopped) for 8 h/day on average, including 2 h/day during working hours; for 2
                                                                 days/week, the instrument, including the vacuum, is fully shut down.

             Automated support functions utilizing digital technology, such as M2M, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), that enable higher productivity and maximum reliability. Allows a system
             to monitor and diagnose itself, handle any issues during data acquisition without user input, and automatically behave as if it were operated by an expert. Supports the acquisition
             of high quality, reproducible data regardless of an operator’s skill level for both routine and demanding applications.
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