Page 19 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 19

Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers
           New   Quadrupole Time-of-Flight

                 Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
          LCMS-9050                                                                                                    Chromatography Systems

          Accelerate Discovery

          The LCMS-9050 quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer inherits the world-
          class mass accuracy and stability of the LCMS-9030 while incorporating newly
          developed UFstabilization technology for simultaneous positive ion/negative ion
          analysis with high mass accuracy at even higher speeds. Ease of use is evident
          throughout the system from mass calibration to maintenance, allowing the                                     Mass Spectrometry Systems
          LCMS-9050 to be used easily in any scenario that requires accurate mass
          spectrometry.                                                                       Movies >
          Trusted mass accuracy
          Shimadzu’s unique precision temperature control system prevents mass accuracy     Quadrupole
          variations caused by external factors, facilitating accurate mass measurements   UF-Lens  UFsweeper III Collision Cell
          without the need for mass calibration.                                   UF-Qarray           UFaccumulation
          Ultra-stable polarity switching                              DL (Desolvation Line)           UFgrating
          UFstabilization technology, newly developed for superior mass accuracy, is   Heated ESI Probe  MCP
          incorporated for stable positive/negative polarity switching on a world-class level.                         Life Science Lab Systems
          Truly versatile with flexible extensions
          The LCMS-9050 can be combined with a variety of optional products such as
          DPiMS, CLAM, Nexera UC, and Nexera Mikros to better utilize the characteristic   Sub-Interface
          advantages of Q-TOF and expand the scope of acquirable data.
                          Quadrupole mass range: m/z 10 to 2,000 (resolving mode)
          Mass range
                          TOF mass range: m/z 10 to 40,000
                          ESI positive : 45,000 FWHM at m/z 1,972
          Resolution (TOF)
                          ESI negative: 45,000 FWHM at m/z 1,626
                          Unipolarity Analysis (MS mode): <1ppm at m/z 622.5662
          Mass accuracy   Polarity switching analysis (MS mode): <5ppm at m/z 922.3547                                 Spectroscopy Systems
                          switching speed 800 msec
          Maximum acquisition rate  MS/MS mode up to 200 Hz (200 MS/MS spectra per second)
          Note: LC units are not included with this product.
                                                Brochure No. C146-E462                   UF-FlightTube
          Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer  Liquid Chromatograph Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
          LCMS-9030                                           LCMS-8060NX                                             Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

          The LCMS-9030 quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometer   The LCMS-8060NX is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with   Measurement Systems  Environmental
          integrates the world’s fastest and most sensitive* quadrupole   world-class sensitivity and detection speeds. It boasts increased
          technology with unique TOF architecture. A product of Shimadzu’s   robustness and ease of use as well as Analytical Intelligence functions to
          engineering DNA, the LCMS-9030 enhances the most important   maximize your laboratory’s output.            Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          features of Q-TOF instrumentation—mass accuracy, sensitivity, and   Mass range  m/z 2 to 2,000
          speed—to address qualitative and quantitative challenges with genuine   Resolution  R < 0.7 u (FWHM)
          confidence and ease.                                 Scan speed      Max. 30,000 u/sec
          * As of June 2018, according to a Shimadzu survey    Positive–negative ion polarity   5 msec
                                                               switching time
                          Quadrupole mass range: m/z 10 to 2,000 (resolving mode)
          Mass range                                           MRM measurement speed  Max. 555 ch/sec
                          TOF mass range: m/z 10 to 40,000
                          ESI positive : 30,000 FWHM at m/z 1,972  Note: LC units are not included with this product.
          Resolution (TOF)                                                                        Brochure No. C146-E410
                          ESI negative: 30,000 FWHM at m/z 1,626
          Mass accuracy   <1 ppm at m/z 622.5662                                                                      Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
          Maximum acquisition rate  100 Hz
          Note: LC units are not included with this product.
                                             Brochure No. C146-E365
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