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Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers

          Workstation Software for LCMS Systems               Multi-analyte Quantitation Support Software
          LabSolutions LCMS                                   LabSolutions Insight

                                          Window for Editing Methods                                                   Chromatography Systems

                   Quick-Batch Function                                                                                Mass Spectrometry Systems
          LabSolutions LCMS is used for LCMS-9050/9030/8060NX/8050/8045/   This software performs the data analysis of the multi-analyte
          8040/2050/2020 system control, data acquisition, and data analysis. In   quantitation for the LCMS-8060/8050/8045/8040 and GCMS-TQ/QP
          addition to simultaneous LC control, data acquisition, and data analysis,   series, and produces a coordinated display of the quantitation results,
          it also supports sophisticated application functionality, such as for   ordered according to the individual compounds targeted or the   Life Science Lab Systems
          co-injection and expansion to a method scouting system. It can also be   individual measurement data. Here, direct revision of peaks and re-
          used to freely specify various measurement parameter settings for   quantitation can be performed. Using color-coded flags, operators can
          analysis that meets a diversity of needs, from routine qualitative and   display only the results they wish to check from those for multiple
          quantitative analysis to unique customized analysis applications. The   analytes. This function improves the visibility of quantitative results.
          intuitive LCMS user interface includes a window for editing methods   With the QC chart function, operators can check on fluctuations in
          that shows the control panel in graphical form and a Quick-Batch   retention times between sample data sets for each compound, which
          function. That ensures the desired data can be obtained using simple   makes it easy to assess the condition of standard samples and the
          operations.                                         instruments. Adding a license allows multi-analyte data to be analyzed   Spectroscopy Systems
          Note:  LCMS-2010 series, LCMS-QP8000 series, and LCMS-IT-TOF systems are not supported,   from a client PC connected to a network. Measurement, data analysis,
             but data processing is supported for LCMS-2010 systems.  and confirmations can be performed respectively on separate PCs,
                                                              which dramatically improves productivity.
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C146-E346
          LC/MS/MS Screening Software                         Analysis Software for LCMS-8060/8050/8045/8040
          LabSolutions Insight Library Screening              LabSolutions Connect                                    Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

          This optional software for LabSolutions Insight uses the MTS* method   Triple quadrupole mass spectrometers are used for the quantitative analysis   Measurement Systems  Environmental
          to search for MS, MS/MS spectra of known compounds in the library,   of compounds in a great variety of industrial fields, and the number of
          and spectra of the actual sample, and then displays both the qualitative   compounds being targeted for analyses is on the increase. For this reason,
          results and the quantitation results. In the search results window,   there are increasing demands for making analytical work faster and easier   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          structural formulas and spectra are displayed, making it easy to   with (1) Optimized MRM transitions, which is important for multi-
          determine whether are not the compound of interest has been   component quantitative analysis using LC/MS/MS, and (2) Automated
          identified. Library searches for MRM can also be performed in addition   optimization of interface parameters necessary for achieving highly sensitive
          to searches for MS/MS spectra, which is a useful feature for confirming   analysis. With LabSolutions Connect, it is possible to select either the
          compounds. Moreover, the search results can be printed at the same   Standard mode, in which optimization of MRM transitions and collision
          time as the quantitation results. Since all of the functions of   energy (CE) is mainly performed, or the Advanced mode, which has
          LabSolutions Insight can also be used, qualification and quantitation can   increased sensitivity as its purpose. A vast amount of optimization results is
          be performed simultaneously.                        managed in a database, and as necessary, analytical parameters are called   Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
          * MTS: Multi-Targeted Screening                     up from the database, to be reflected in, and to be used to create analytical
                                             Brochure No. C146-E419  method files/batch files. Additionally, quantitative analysis of the analytical
                                                              data can be carried out in this software, thus creating a seamless workflow.
                                                              Note: LabSolutions LCMS and LabSolutions Insight are required separately.
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