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Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers

            Optional Software for LabSolutions Insight           Open Access Software for LC and LCMS
            LabSolutions Insight Explore                         Open Solution

    Mass Spectrometry Systems
            This software supports everything from qualitative analysis to   Supports LC and LCMS analysis in an open access environment. After
            quantitative analysis of accurate mass spectrometry data. In addition to   logging in on the sample registration window, registration of samples
            quantitative data processing for multiple analytes, it also enables highly   and the analyses can be performed in one window. Moreover, data can
            precise library searches, structural analysis, formula prediction, and   be displayed using the Open Solution data browser simply by clicking
            multiply-charged ion analysis based on high-resolution and high-  the link in the e-mail that is sent after the analysis is complete. Once the
            accuracy mass spectrometer data. It includes a variety of functionality,   data browser has been set up on the server PC, all members of a
            such as “Analyze” functionality for predicting the composition of   research team can view the data without installing software on their PC.
            unknown compounds or searching for the molecular or structural   In the data browser, peaks can be added or deleted for the
            formula based on accurate mass data, or “Assign” functionality for   chromatogram using simple operations. Also, since structural formulas
            predicting the fragmentation patterns of molecular structures or   and the like can be easily pasted into the window when creating
            calculating the attribution of respective fragments to specific spectral   reports, the degree of perfection for such reports is enhanced. When a
            peaks. All of the extensive functionality works together seamlessly to   multiple number of mobile phases and columns are being used, the
            minimize the effort involved in analyzing data from accurate mass   cleaning of the flow path is executed automatically, so the system can
            spectrometry.                                        be operated with great stability.
                                                                 Note: LCMS-9030/9050, LCMS-2010 series, LCMS-QP8000 series, and LCMS-IT-TOF systems are not supported.

            For LCMS-8060/8050/8045/8040/8030                    LC/MS, GC/MS Data Analysis Software
            LC/MS/MS Method Packages                             Multi-omics Analysis Package                New

            The MRM conditions must be optimized before performing quantitation
            by MRM. However, this imposes a greater burden on the operator as
            the number of compounds subjected to simultaneous analysis increases.
                                                                 The Multi-omics Analysis Package is metabolic engineering software
             Residual Pesticides  836 components
             Veterinary Drugs    129 compounds                   that can automatically generate metabolic maps and perform a variety
             Water Quality Analysis  76 compounds                of data analysis based on the vast amounts of mass spectrometry data
             Rapid Toxicology Screening  231 compounds           generated in fields such as metabolomics, proteomics, and flux analysis.
             Primary Metabolites  198 compounds                  In conjunction with the various method packages and databases offered
             Lipid Mediators     214 compounds                   by Shimadzu for metabolomic analysis, the Multi-omics Analysis
             Cell Culture Profilling  144 components
             D/L Amino Acids     22 amino acids                  Package can help increase the efficiency of metabolomic data analysis
             Mycotoxins          27 mycotoxins                   work. It makes it easy to use volcano plots for comparing two groups,
             Short Chain Fatty Acids  22 components              principal component analysis (PCA) for comparing multiple groups,
             Forensic Toxicology Database  more than 2,500 compounds  hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA), and box plots. Linked PCA, HCA,
             Aminoglycoside Antibiotics  13 aminoglycosides
             Restricted Chemicals in Textiles  105 compounds     and box plot results can be displayed in the same window to
             Bile Acids          49 bile acids                   conveniently identify significant compounds. The metabolic map can be
             Modified Nucleosides  4 components                  enlarged to confirm where identified compounds are located on the
             PFAS in Drinking Water  52 compounds                map and to support confirming and interpreting the data. The intuitive
             Glycosaminoglycans  6 glycosaminoglycans            visualization of data provides powerful support for drug discovery,
             Reactive Sulfur Profiling  17 sulfur-containing metabolites
                                                Brochure No. C10G-E094  functionally enhanced foods, bioengineering, and other life science
      22                                                         research applications.
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C146-E385
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