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Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers

          Supporting Micro Flowrate Range Liquid Chromatograph   Probe Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometer
          Mass Spectrometer System                            DPiMS-2020
          Nexera Mikros                                                                                                Chromatography Systems

          The Nexera Mikros is a micro LC/MS system that achieves a degree of   Before performing measurements using a mass spectrometer, solvents   Mass Spectrometry Systems
          sensitivity that is more than 10 times that of previous models.   and columns need to be prepared and the approximate concentration
          Moreover, thanks to features such as the UF-Link mechanism, which   of the sample needs to be considered. However, when performing
          provides for the one-touch connection of analytical columns to the mass   measurements using the DPiMS-2020, the only thing that needs to be   Life Science Lab Systems
          spectrometer, almost anyone can simply and securely perform high   done as preparation is to place a small amount of the chemical,
          sensitivity analyses. Such things enhance usability. This system provides   foodstuff, or biological sample on the plate. Simply select the probe
          a solution for the issues faced by previous LC/MS or nano LC/MS, such   control and mass spectrometric conditions on the window of the
          as sensitivity, robustness, ease-of-use, and throughput.  dedicated software PESI MS Solution and click the button to start
                       LCMS-8060NX, Mikro-ESI 8060, CBM-40lite, DGU-403,   measurement. Measurement results can be acquired in approximately
          Major component units  LC-Mikros, CTO-Mikros, SIL-40C XR, LabSolutions Insight,   two minutes. Analysis of the results is performed using LabSolutions
                       and others
                                             Brochure No. C146-E350  LCMS, the analytical data processing system.
                                                               Mass range     m/z 10 to 2,000                          Spectroscopy Systems
                                                               Mass resolution  R = 2M
                                                               Sensitivity    100 ppb reserpine, S/N > 3
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C146-E341

          Kit for Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer   Kit for Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer
          DPiMS QT                                            DPiMS-8060                                              Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

                                                                                           DPiMS-8060 + LCMS-8060NX   Measurement Systems  Environmental
                                        DPiMS QT + LCMS-9030
          The DPiMS QT can be connected to a quadrupole time-of-flight mass   A triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with a DPiMS-8060 kit installed
          spectrometer for quick and easy measurement without pretreatment.   can acquire trace sample quantities using a probe and analyze
          The DPiMS QT performs high-resolution mass spectrometry by ionizing   component masses in the MS unit. The kit can also be used with an
          a very small sample attached to the probe and introducing it into the   LCMS system, by installing it in an LCMS-8045/8050/8060(NX) system   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          MS section. The DPiMS QT unit can be easily switched with the ESI unit   for easy switching between PESI TQ and ESI units. Its ability to quickly
          and can be combined with LCMS. Qualitative analysis and primary   detect drugs or metabolites in blood or tissue samples with only
          screening with the DPiMS QT can reduce the number of samples   extremely simple pretreatment makes it ideal for simple screening
          required for quantitative analysis.                 applications.
                         Control of the DPiMS QT unit                         Controller unit for PESI TQ unit
          DPiMS QT controller  (Installed in the mass spectrometer)  PESI TQ controller  (equipped with LCMS-8045/8050/8060/8060NX)
                         Probe voltage: ±5 kV max. (set voltage)              Probe voltage: ±5 kV max.
          DPiMS QT unit                                        PESI TQ unit
                         Probe stroke: 46.30 mm max.                          Probe drive cycle: 0.75 to 3 Hz
                                             Brochure No. C146-E440  Mass range  m/z 10 to 2,000                      Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C146-E369

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