Page 28 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 28

Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers

            Screening System for Phthalate Esters                GC and GC-MS Application System
            Py-Screener Ver. 2                                   Pyrolysis System

    Mass Spectrometry Systems
            This system is designed for screening for phthalate esters in polymers.   This system performs pyrolysis for polymer compounds at 500°C or
            The use of phthalate esters is restricted in toys and food packaging and   higher, and analyze the pyrolysates obtained via GC and GC-MS. Since
            so on. They are expected to be regulated as restricted substances under   these pyrolysates reflect the structure of the original polymer
            the RoHS (II) Directive. The system supports a series of procedures from   compounds, they can be used to identify the polymers, and for higher-
            sample preparation to data acquisition, analysis, and maintenance. It   order structural analysis. Search software using a pyrolysis library also
            consists of special software, special standard samples, and a sampling   assists in the identification process.
            toolkit. It provides an environment in which even novices can operate it   System configuration example  GCMS-QP2020 NX + GCMSsolution +
            easily.                                                              EGA/PY-3030D Multi-Shot Pyrolyzer (Frontier Laboratories)
                                                                 •  A system can be constructed with the GCMS-TQ series, QP series, and GC-2030/2010 Plus.

                            GCMS-QP2020 NX + GCMSsolution +       Contact your Shimadzu representative for further details.
             System configuration example  LabSolutions Insight + Py-Screener +                      Brochure No. C146-E184
                            EGA/PY-3030D Multi-Shot Pyrolyzer (Frontier Laboratories)
                                                Brochure No. C146-E438

            GC-MS Differential Split Flow Turbo Molecular Pump System  Multi-Dimensional GC/GC-MS System
            Comprehensive GC-MS (GC×GC-MS) System                MDGC/GCMS-2010 Series

            The comprehensive GC-MS (GC×GC-MS) technique employs a   This system performs separation using two columns that have different
            modulator to link two capillary columns of complementary orthogonal   characteristics. It has a mechanism in which the components that are
            phases. The technique requires a GC-MS system capable of very fast   insufficiently separated in the first column they pass through are
            data collection to fully capture the very narrow, fast eluting compounds.   introduced ("heart-cut") to a second, different column. This enables
            Sensitivity is also an important requirement for many Comprehensive   analysis with a level of separation that cannot be attained in
            GC×GC applications. The GCMS-TQ series, QP series were developed   conventional single-column analysis. This is effective for the analysis of
            with this multi-dimensional technique in mind. Its best-in-class data   samples containing a very large number of compounds, such as
            collection speeds and superior sensitivity make it the top choice for   petroleum products and perfumes.
            Comprehensive Chromatography.                        Applicable detectors  GC-MS, FID, FPD, TCD, ECD, FTD
                                                                 • A GC + GC-MS system can be used as an independent GC or GC-MS system.
                                                                 •  The analytical conditions can be configured easily using the dedicated MDGCsolution
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C184-E015

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