Page 29 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
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MALDI-Based Instruments

          Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization         Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization
          Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer                    Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
          AXIMA Performance                                   AXIMA Confidence / AXIMA Assurance                       Chromatography Systems

                                                                                             AXIMA Assurance           Mass Spectrometry Systems
          The AXIMA Performance is a high-performance MALDI-TOF mass   This high-sensitivity, high-throughput mass spectrometer provides
          spectrometer utilizing state-of-the-art high-energy MS/MS, delivering   strong support for proteomics research. The AXIMA Confidence
          unparalleled flexibility, in a robust and reliable research-grade system.   achieves a mass resolution of 15,000, and is capable of high-sensitivity
          Shimadzu’s proprietary (patented) curved-field reflectron (CFR) enables   analysis thanks to high performance laser beam focusing. It is equipped   Life Science Lab Systems
          true high-energy CID-MS/MS with a laboratory frame collision energy of   with Shimadzu's proprietary (patented) curved-field reflectron (CFR), so
          20 keV. It is an extremely versatile and powerful system, integrating   it can obtain PSD MS/MS spectra seamlessly from the low molecular
          workflows for a diverse range of analytical needs. LC-MALDI software   weight region to the high molecular weight region, with a single
          allowing confident identification of off-line separated complex mixtures   measurement. AXIMA Assurance is the sister instrument to the AXIMA
          via automated MS/MS.                                Confidence, and is exclusively for linear mode.
                    Linear mode  1 to 500,000 Da                                     AXIMA Confidence  AXIMA Assurance
          Mass range
                    Reflectron mode  1 to 80,000 Da            Mass range  Linear mode  1 to 500,000 Da  1 to 500,000 Da
                    Linear mode  5,000                                   Reflectron mode  1 to 80,000 Da  –
          Mass resolution                                                                                              Spectroscopy Systems
                    Reflectron mode  20,000                              Linear mode  5,000       5,000
          MS/MS function      CID/PSD                          Mass resolution  Reflectron mode  15,000  –
          Mass accuracy  Reflectron mode  5 ppm (internal standard)  MS/MS function  Available (PSD)    –
                                               Brochure No. MO300  Brochure No.    MO305         MO304
          AXIMA Application System                            MALDI Digital Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
          AXIMA for Microorganism Identification System       MALDImini-1                                             Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

          This system combines the AXIMA mass spectrometer, which is optimal for   Despite its light and compact shape, The MALDImini-1 is capable of   Measurement Systems  Environmental
          microbial identification, with microbial identification software. When   achieving MS  analysis, making it suitable for a large number of
          microbes are analyzed directly with MALDI-TOFMS, a peak pattern (mass   applications. With its simple configuration and compact size, it is
          spectrum) is obtained, indicating the molecular weights of characteristic   possible to install the MALDImini-1 in places where mass analysis   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          microbial proteins. By comparing the results to a database constructed   devices could not previously be used. The vacuum pumps are entirely
          using approximately 40,000 mass spectra, more than 1,900 different types   contained within the device. The MALDImini-1 can be installed
          of microbes can be identified. The microbes can be analyzed directly,   anywhere where there is an AC 100-120V power supply. By combining
          without the need for gram staining, morphological determinations and   a MALDI ion source with Digital Ion Trap (DIT) technology, it is possible
          other pretreatment required by conventional microbial identification   to carry out high-sensitivity MS  analysis even on micro-quantity
          methods (biochemical, culturing, and PCR). As a result, a microbial   samples.
          identification that would have taken several hours with conventional   Mass range  m/z 650 to 70,000
          methods can be accomplished with this system in about 2 minutes,   MS/MS mass range  m/z 350 to 5,000       Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
          enabling high throughput analysis at a top speed of 1,000 samples per   Mass resolution  > 4,000 FWHM
          day. In addition, since pretreatment reagents are not required, running   MS n  1 ≤ n ≤ 3
          costs are reduced to about half that for existing methods.                              Brochure No. C146-E395
          Note: This system is not intended for use in clinical diagnoses. Use it only for research purposes.
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