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Liquid Chromatographs

            Supercritical Fluid Extraction/Chromatography System  Semi-Preparative Supercritical Fluid Chromatography System
            Nexera UC/s: SFC/UHPLC Switching System              Nexera UC Prep

    Chromatography Systems

            By simply adding one UHPLC pump to an SFC system, this system can   Nexera UC Prep is a preparative supercritical fluid chromatography system
            automatically switch between SFC and UHPLC analysis modes to   created by the combination of Nexera UC's superior fundamental
            measure the same sample with both separation modes. In addition to   technology and innovative new technology. By using our unique gas–liquid
            use as a conventional UHPLC system for analyzing in the normal way, it   separation technology "LotusStream Separator", we can achieve a high
            can also be used for samples that are difficult to separate by UHPLC to   recovery rate even for volatile components by suppressing a decrease in
            evaluate analytical conditions for SFC analysis, which offers a different   recovery rate due to the scattering of eluate during CO 2 vaporization. The
            separation mode than UHPLC. It enhances user-friendliness and   dedicated software, which enables intuitive parameter settings, helps
            operability by allowing the investigation of separation conditions and   ensure preparation for the targeted, regardless of skill. This space-saving
            performing reverse-phase high-speed analysis in a single system.   benchtop model includes a carbon dioxide pump that does not require an
            Shimadzu also provides a kit to upgrade from your current UHPLC   external chiller. While the system is compact and can be installed in any
            system to the UHPLC/SFC switching system.            environment, it achieves both high recovery rate preparative processing and
                          LC-30AD SF, SFC-30A, CBM-40, LC-40D XR×2, DGU-405×2,   excellent operability, and promotes the efficiency of preparative processing.
             Major component units  SIL-40C XR, CTO-40C×2, SPD-M40, Upgrade Kit,   LC-40P SF, CO 2 Cooling Unit, SFC-40P, FRS-40, HEX-40,
                          LabSolutions Multi LC-PDA, and others  Major component units  CBM-40, LC-20AP, LC-20AR, CTO-40C, SPD-M40, DGU-403,
                                                Brochure No. C190-E288         FCV-20AH2, LabSolutions LC, Prep Solution, and others
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C190-E288
            High Performance Liquid Chromatograph
                                                                 Finally, an LC as Smart and
                                                                 Flexible as You.

            Amid increasing calls for improved work efficiency and a more flexible
            working style, ideas of LC analysis are changing. The time has come for
            an HPLC that delivers rugged, reliable results with less frequent
            interaction by the analyst. The new, integrated i-Series LC system
            maintains the excellent performance of its predecessor while addressing
            the need for automation efficiency.

            Analytical Intelligence functions, such as FlowPilot and mobile phase
            monitoring, and LabSolutions Direct can provide an automated
            workflow together with remote operation and monitoring from
            instrument startup to analysis completion. Automated workflows
            incorporate the work-style habits of experienced analysts. The result is
            reliable data collected over extended periods.
            intelligent                                                                                     Movies >

            Migrating a test method (analytical conditions or method) from one
            instrument to another while obtaining the same chromatogram can be   intuitive
            a challenging process. The i-Series is designed with the same internal   In addition to the temperature control function for flow cells, the
            system volumes as previous Shimadzu systems and competitor systems   i-Series employs new temperature control technology for detector
            to ensure system compatibility and data reproducibility. An Analytical   optical systems, known as TC-Optics (Temperature Controlled Optics).
            Condition Transfer and Optimization (ACTO) function also adjusts   This ensures a more stable baseline that is less susceptible to room
            gradient start time automatically, so analysts can make adjustments to   temperature variation and increased precision during verification testing
            separations obtained by gradient analysis easily.    and quantitative testing of trace components.
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C196-E098
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