Page 8 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
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Liquid Chromatographs

            Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

    Chromatography Systems

            In response to the wide variety of customer demands for improving analytical
            workflow, Shimadzu is constantly introducing advancements in high-performance
            liquid chromatographs, with features such as superior reproducibility of retention
            times or for ultra-trace sample injection volumes, fast multianalyte analysis, low
            carryover, automatic sample pretreatment, high-sensitivity detection, and longer-
            lasting consumables. Using network technology based on the Internet of Things (IoT)
            and the cloud to automatically collect information about instruments within
            laboratories, it is now possible to not only monitor the operating status of
            instruments, but also ensure instruments can always be used in their optimal state.
            By merging and making further advancements to such state-of-the-art technologies,
            the Nexera series offers the unprecedented experience of analytical instruments
            thinking on their own to better support the analysis workflow of customers.
                                                                                                            Movies >
                A New Benchmark of Intelligence                               A New Benchmark of Efficiency
            Nexera systems are equipped with startup, self-diagnostics/self-recovery, mobile   Functionality is included for maximizing throughput and
            phase monitoring, and other critical functionality for ensuring the system is always in   increasing analytical process efficiency to the next level,
            optimal condition during analysis. That maximizes the ratio of operating hours during   such as functionality for ultra fast injection and low
            which the system is operated in good condition and automates the tedious processes   carryover. Also, IoT technology is used to ensure reliable
            which were previously performed by operators. Consequently, it contributes   instrument operation and contribute to laboratory asset
            significantly to improving operating efficiency.              management.
            Fully Automated Process Flow Achieves Long-Term Data Reliability  LC-MS Analysis Process Efficiency Improved by
            Long-term reliable data acquisition is achieved by incorporating the operating   Ultra Fast Injection and Non-Stop Analysis of up to
            know-how of expert analysts for the entire process flow, from instrument startup   17,000 Samples
            until analyses are finished. Systems also include many other functions for   The SIL-40 series offers about two times faster injection
            automatically eliminating factors that can cause problems.    speeds than previous models. By using plate changers, up
                                                                          to about 17,000 samples can be analyzed continuously.*
                              Shutdown                                    Plate changers provide powerful support for LC-MS
                                                      Startup             high-throughput screening and analysis.
                    Checking results
                                                                          * When using three plate changers with 384-well plates
                                   complete                                     6.7 sec
                              Analysis       Preparations  Mobile
                      Auto-                          Auto-purge
                                                   Column                 0.00    0.25  0.50   0.75  1.00    1.25 min
                          Analysis begins                                   8 injections can be completed within 1 minute (Caffeine)
            Mobile Phase Level Monitor Prevents Running                       A New Benchmark of Design
            Out of Mobile Phase during Continuous Analysis
            This monitor uses weight sensors (optional) to monitor the level of mobile phases,   Offers both exceptional LC performance and also space
            autosampler rinse solutions, or other solutions (up to 12 solutions) in real time. If the   and power savings. Due to the broad
            remaining solution level is less than                         product line, optimal solutions for
            required when starting an analysis,                           satisfying customer objectives can be
            then a message is displayed to notify                         offered, while also maximizing utility
            the operator. The operator is also                            from laboratory equipment.
            notified if there is a risk of running                                                   Brochure No. C196-E096
            out of the solution during an analysis.
            A smart device can be used to check
            the current level of each bottle,                              Automated support functions utilizing digital technology, such as
            which makes it easier to decide in                             M2M, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), that enable higher
            advance when to replenish bottles.                             productivity and maximum reliability.

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