Page 17 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 17
Sum Parameter – Total Organic Carbon
TOC-4200 – Carryover free TOC determination
No. SCA-130-609
At the outlet of such purification or wastewater
The TOC (Total Organic Carbon) parameter
for organic pollution of wastewater can serve treatment plants, the TOC content of the efflu-
as an indicator for accurate and efficient con- ent water is usually less than 50 mg/L. The
trol of industrial processes. Using Shimadzu’s sample matrices and measuring ranges of
TOC-4200 and switching between measuring these sample streams thus vary widely. Moni-
points, up to six sample streams can be moni- toring these sample streams using a single an-
tored – even in sample streams of different alyzer will place high demands on the instru-
concentration levels. ment and the sampling method used.
■ Example: wastewater treatment plant ■ ISP-Module in the TOC-4200
In industrial water purification and wastewater The ISP module (Integrated Sample
treatment plants, a variety of processes are Pretreatment) is the heart of the TOC-4200
used to purify wastewaters in different sub- series. It consists of an 8-port valve and a
processes (for instance, biological or filtration syringe pump. The consistent use of inert
processes). The TOC sum parameter provides materials reduces the risk of cross-
important information on the remaining or- contamination. In addition to automated
ganic contamination and thus on the efficiency sample pretreatment (acidification and
of the treatment plant. sparging), the module enables dilution of the
sample. It is also possible to determine self-
cleaning sequences for the module as well as
the sample inlets.
Fig.: Example from paper industry:
Four very diverse sample streams
At the inlet of such plants, TOC concentrations
of well over 1,000 mg/L as well as high salt Fig.: ISP-Module TOC-4200 Series
loads can be expected. Dissolved organic sub-
stances are decomposed in biological interme- The automated dilution function serves not
diate stages. Flocculation or precipitation only for measurement range extension, but
agents added at this stage modify the sample also for matrix reduction. This reduces mainte-
composition (matrix). nance and lowers operating costs.