Page 20 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 20


            An  automatic  dilution function  and the  self-    The number of sample streams the TOC-4200
            monitoring of calibrations permit a largely in-     monitors, can be optionally extended to a max-
            dependent operation of the analyser. From a         imum of six.
            remote control  room  the TOC-4200 can be
            started and calibrated. Additionally it is possi-   ■ Measurement method
            ble to select  which sample stream  is  to be       The TC method is often used for the monitor-
            measured at which time. Versatile communi-          ing of cooling water. In this case the sum of
            cation  interfaces allow the registration of        organic (TOC  including  POC) and  inorganic
            threshold  limit values  or  maintenance re-        (TIC) carbon compounds is determined.
            quests.                                             For this purpose, the sample is drawn with a
                                                                syringe  pump from the  continuous  sample
            ■ Sampling technique                                stream and then injected into the oxidation unit
            Various sample preparation  systems,  which         using a septum-free slider mechanism. Using
            can be matched optimally to the scope of ap-        TC analysis with  its low cycle  times  of 2-3
            plication, are  available for the TOC-4200.         minutes allows for a very fast process adjust-
            Temperature and pressure resistant stainless        ment.  The dilution  function of  the syringe
            steel is an ideal  choice  for  the sampling of     pump  enables dynamic expansion of the
            cooling water.  A  counter-flow type sampling       measurement range so that exact values are
            mechanism is a good choice in this case:            obtained  even if a  heat exchanger  ruptures.
                                                                No additional detectors are necessary for this.
            It consists of a stainless-steel pipe bend, into
            which  a  sampling capillary is inserted.  The
            TOC-4200 draws the flowing sample against           ■ TC response behavior
            its direction of flow through the capillary. After   A TOC-4200 was calibrated to a measurement
            sampling, the capillary  is rinsed backwards        range of 10 mg/l. A sample with a TOC content
            with water.                                         of 0.1  mg/l is continuously analyzed until a
                                                                sudden contamination  up to  6  mg/L TOC  is
                                                                added to the sample.
                                 Sampling                            6
                                                                    TC in mg/l  3

                                   Direction of flow                 1  1 6 1116 212631 364146 515661 667176 81


                                      Counter-flow sampler
                                                                values of 0.098 mg/l for normal load and 5.78
                                      for 3 streams             The average  cycle time  is  2:38min  at mean
                                                                mg/l for burst contamination.

            This way the sampling device does contain as        ■ Recommended analyser / Configuration
            less moving parts or filters as possible and re-    TOC-4200
            quires low maintenance effort. When no sam-         Counter-flow type sampling mechanism
            ple is taken, the flowing sample carries parti-
            cles away from the capillary so that no clog-
            ging occurs.
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