Page 15 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 15

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC-4200 -

                                         Measurements up to 55,000mg/L TOC


            TOC-process analyzers (TOC-4200) are used
            in different applications from  monitoring of
            cooling water or condensate up to high
            contaminated wastewater. For this, the TOC
            analyzers    have   to   provide   a   broad
            measurement range.

            ■ ISP-Module in TOC-4200
            The    TOC-4200      achieves    the   broad
            measurement range by using the dilution
            function of the ISP-module (integrated              ■ TOC-determination in the range of
            sample pretreatment).                               55,000mg/L

                                                                The recovery and repeatability in the high
                                                                measurement range is proven with a Glucose
                                                                Parameter:    TC
                                                                Catalyst:     Standard
                                                                Std-Solution:  500mg/L (1-point)
                                                                Injection vol.:  20µl
                                                                #Injection     Peak Area
                                                                1              768.6
                                                                2              784.2

                                                                3              762.1
                      Figure: ISP-module in TOC-4200            Mean value     771.6
                                                                RSD            1,47%
            The ISP module consists of an 8-port valve
            and a syringe with sparging gas connector.          Glucose standard
            Sample and dilution water is taken in the right     Std-Solution:  55,000mg/L
            ratio into  the syringe. The solution is            Dil. factor:   40
            homogenized by sparging (over the sparge            Injection vol.:  20µl
            gas connector) with carrier gas.                    Port:         Offline-Port
            Dilution factors from 2 to 50 can be used.          #Inj.   Area    Concentration     Recovery
            Normally the announced measurement range
            of 20,000mg/L is sufficient for the controlling       1     2106     54,595 mg/L        99,3%
            of wastewater. But in some application (e. g.         2     2137     55,399 mg/L       100,7%
                                                                                 54,543 mg/L
            de-icing  process  on  airports)  measurement       MW      2116     54,854 mg/L        99,7%
            values up to 50,000mg/L are possible.                SD     18,51      479 mg/L
                                                                RSD    0,87%
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