Page 18 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 18


            ■ Sampling method                                   ■ Practical test
            Incorrect measurement values  often  already        In a practical test, two sample streams with dif-
            occur due to carryover effects in the sample        ferent matrices and TOC contents were ana-
            inlet line or in the sampler. Biological growth     lyzed. To demonstrate sample carry-over be-
            and deposits in the inlet line constitute a fur-    tween these sample streams, they were alter-
            ther  risk of contamination.  To  minimize  this,   nately sampled and analyzed 90 times respec-
            the sample should be directed to the sampler        tively.
            at a flow rate of higher than 1 m/s. Inspection
            openings and valves for manual or even auto-         Stream         S#1            S#2
            mated  flushing of  the  tubing should be pro-       Matrix         Pure water     3% NaCl-
            vided for. The sampler should be constructed         Target conc.   1 mg/l         solution
                                                                                               1000 mg/l
            of inert materials. Automated rinsing steps be-      Parameter      NPOC           NPOC
            tween individual samplings further reduce time       Acid added     100µl          100µl
            expenditure by the operator. To reduce prob-         Inj.Volume     150µl          50µl
            lems  during operation, it is  important  to pay     Dilution       None           Factor 10
            particular attention to sampling during the pro-
            ject development phase.                             ■ Conclusions
                                                                                     S#1       S#2
                                                                 Mean Value TOC      1,02      992,67
                                                                 Standard deviation   0,07     13,32

                                                                Even with significant concentration and matrix
                                                                differences between both sample streams, the
                                                                TOC-4200  operated free from  carry-over
                                                                thanks to its inert construction and automated
                                                                rinsing function.

                                                                ■ Recommended analyzer / Configuration
                                                                Individual sampling system

                  2000                            1000mg/L TOC      1mg/L TOC                        10
                  1500                                                                               8
                                                                                                     7   TOC[mg/L] low range
                 TOC[mg/L] high range  1000                                                          5
                   500                                                                               3
                     0                                                                               0
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