Page 14 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 14
The integrated dilution function enables TOC when switching sample streams. The
analyses up to 20,000 mg/L as well as measuring parameter can be selected
automatic sample dilution when the individually for each sample stream. In
measuring range is exceeded. The measured addition, the user can freely select the
value is transmitted directly to a control room sequence by which the sample streams are
that initiates suitable measures when a to be measured.
threshold value is exceeded. The analyser
can also take direct action. For example, a ■ Conclusion
slider valve can be closed automatically to The automatic dilution function, the self-
prevent the discharge of contaminated water calibration check and the optimized sampling
into watercourses or stagnant water bodies. process allow virtually independent operation
of the instrument at the airport. Numerous
■ Multiple sample streams in one alarm and status signals simplify detection of
instrument exceeded threshold values or indicate
An airport may have several separate maintenance requirements. In addition to the
wastewater collection systems. In this case, conventional possibilities, Modbus
multiple sample streams must be measured communication is available. An optional web
using one instrument, requiring the use of a browser enables access to the instrument
multi-stream sampler. The sample is passed from any networked computer. This makes
through a strainer and reaches the sample the TOC-4200 the ideal instrument for
chamber where it is homogenised using a continuous TOC determination of wastewater
rotating knife before being transferred to the streams at airports, especially during the
instrument for further analysis. In this way, winter period.
even samples containing large amounts of
particulate matter can be measured without ■ Recommended Analyser / Configuration
any problems. After sampling, the chamber TOC-4200
and strainer are cleaned with rinsing water. Stand set
The rinsing water prevents carry-over effects Multi-stream unit (for suspended samples)
The diagram represents measurement results of an airport wastewater stream in a period of 6
weeks. It shows the high fluctuation based on frosty or frost-free weather.