Page 13 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 13

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         Continuous TOC determination on airports


            Ice  and  snow  on  the  wings  of  airplanes       method. In this method, the sample is
            increase their total weight and have a              acidified to convert the carbonates and
            negative impact on their aerodynamics. For          hydrogen carbonates present in the sample
            reasons  of  safety,  airplanes  need  to  be  de-  to CO 2. The resulting carbon dioxide is
            iced  just  before  they  are  ready  for  takeoff.   subsequently purged using a gas stream
            The de-icing agent that is most  frequently         passed through the sample.
            used is a mixture of water, glycol and              TOC (Total Organic Carbon) is a measure of
            additives. The exact composition  depends,          the concentration of organically bound carbon
            among other things, on the outside                  and therefore reflects the pollution level of
            temperature.                                        organic substances in wastewater.
                                                                Depending on the use of the de-icing agent,
                                                                the TOC values can fluctuate significantly.

                                                                ■ Tried and tested and powerful – the
                                                                The TOC-4200 process analyzer is perfectly
                                                                designed for this application. The TOC-4200
                                                                is a powerful analyser that uses catalytic
                                                                combustion at 680 °C. After the analyser has
                                                                automatically  removed  the  inorganic  carbon,
                                                                a sub-quantity is injected onto a hot (680 °C)

            After spraying the airplanes, the de-icing          platinum    catalyst.  Here,    all   organic
            agent  enters  the  sewage  system  where  it       components present are oxidized to carbon
            leads to a significant increase of the organic      dioxide. The resulting CO 2 is transported by a
            load.  Even  when  the  agent  used  is             carrier gas  stream to a highly sensitive and
            biodegradable,    the   effluents  must    be       CO 2  selective  NDIR  detector,  where  it  is
            subjected  to  a  controlled  treatment  process.   measured.  The  TOC  concentration  is
            For the airport operator, it is therefore           calculated using an external calibration.
            important to know the organic load of the
            airport’s  wastewater.    The    TOC     sum
            parameter  has  been  well  established  as  an
            assessment     parameter    for   wastewater

            ■ Continuous online NPOC monitoring
            Important  for  TOC  determination  is  the
            differentiation between organic and inorganic
            carbon.     Carbonates      and     hydrogen
            carbonates are, after all, present in all natural
            waters.  The  most  widely  used  method  for
            TOC determination is the  so-called NPOC
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