Page 11 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 11

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC-4200 -

                                         High Sensitivity Measurement Option


            Ultra pure  water is one of the most widely         When industrial processes require large
            used reagents in industry and its  quality is       volumes    of   ultra  pure   water,   it  is
            therefore of utmost importance in all industrial    recommended  to  monitor  its  TOC  content
            processes. Quality control has, for many            continuously.
            years, been carried out and documented via
            conductivity measurements, which provide an         ■ TOC-4200
            assessment of the  concentration of all
            inorganic  species  present  in  water.  This
            detection  method does not take organic
            pollutants  into account, as they typically do
            not contribute to  conductivity.  Organic
            pollutants can, however, greatly influence
            further industrial processes  and it has
            become increasingly more important to
            include quantitative  determination of all
            organic species in quality control of water         The high-performance TOC-4200 analyzer
            samples.                                            applies catalytic combustion at 680 °C. Three
                                                                TOC analysis methods can be selected
                                                                depending  on the sample characteristics:
                                                                difference  method, addition method, direct
                                                                method.  Due  to  the  automatic  dilution
                                                                function TOC analyses up to 20,000 mg/L are
                                                                possible. In order to measure the total bound
                                                                nitrogen (TN b), the TOC-4200 can be
                                                                extended with a specific module.

                                                                The self-calibration option and an  automatic
                                                                dilution   function   enable    a    virtually
                                                                independent operation of the  measuring
                                                                system which can be  started and calibrated
                                                                from  one  measuring  station.  The  different
                                                                measuring streams can be selected.

            ■ TOC (Total Organic Carbon)                        Numerous  status and  alarm signals simplify
            The TOC  value (Total Organic Carbon)  can          detection  of exceeded limit levels and
            be used as a sum parameter for organic              indicate the need for maintenance.  A
            compounds. Similar to conductivity signals          Modbus         communication         channel
            composed of various ionic compounds, the            complements          the        conventional
            TOC value is a measure of the contribution of       communication modes. An optional web
            the numerous organic compounds present in           browser gives access to the instrument from
            a water sample.                                     any networked computer.
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