Page 6 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 6


            ■ Sampling                                          The rinsing  function prevents any carry-over
            The sometimes highly fibrous wastewater can         effects when changing sample streams. The
            clog tubes  and pipes.  Various mechanisms          measuring program can  be individually
            and options are available to prevent clogging.      selected for each sample stream. In addition,
            The wastewater streams are sequentially             the user  can freely chose the  measuring
            transported to the analyzer using various           sequence of the sample streams.
            valves. Following each sample feed to  the
            analyzer, the valves and tubes are flushed
            with fresh water and  an acid rinse. This
            prevents the formation of buildup in the
            valves. The acid rinse and water rinse are
            controlled by the TOC analyzer.

                                                                 Fig.: Multi-stream suspended solids pretreatment unit

                                                                ■ Recommended analyzer / Configuration

                  Fig. Acid Rinse option to clean tubes and
                            sampling system                     TOC-4200
                                                                Multi-stream suspended solid pretreatment
            After  the sample has passed the respective         unit
            valve, it enters the sample chamber via a           Acid rinse system
            strainer where it is homogenized using a
            rotating knife before it  is transferred to the
            instrument for analysis. This way, even
            samples    containing   large   amounts    of
            particulate  matter can be measured without
            any problems. After sampling, the chamber
            and the strainer are cleaned with acidified
            rinsing water.
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