Page 5 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 5

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC process analysis in the paper


            Paper manufacturing requires the use of
            water for various processes (suspension and
            transport of the pulp, cooling water, sieve and
            felt cleaning, system cleaning). Although the
            water  circulation  in paper mills has been
            systematically optimized in recent years due
            to water conservation, the paper industry still
            requires large quantities of fresh water for the
            production of paper.  Wherever fresh water is
            consumed, large amounts of wastewater are
            also   produced     and   these    must    be
            continuously monitored. The wastewater from
            paper and pulp mills is usually highly polluted
            with organic carbon compounds. The many             ■ TOC-4200
            different products with various coatings, for       The  TOC-4200  is  a  high-performance
            instance     specialty   papers,     produce        analyzer with catalytic combustion at 680 °C.
            wastewater of widely  varying compositions          Depending on the sample characteristics,
            and concentrations.                                 three TOC analysis methods can be selected
                                                                (differential  method, addition method, direct
                                                                method).  The  automatic  dilution  function
                                                                enables TOC analyses up to 20,000 mg/L. In
                                                                addition, the TOC-4200 can be extended with
                                                                a module  for measuring the total bound
                                                                nitrogen (TN).

                                                                An  automatic  dilution  function  and  the  self-
                                                                calibration   option    allow   a    virtually
                                                                independent operation of the  measuring
                                                                system. The measuring instruments can be
                                                                started  and  calibrated  from  one  measuring
                                                                station and a selection between the different
              Fig.Example of four different sample streams in the   measuring streams is possible.  Numerous
                             paper industry                     alarm and status signals simplify detection of

                                                                exceeded  limit  levels  and  indicate  the  need
            The  online  analysis  of  these  types  of         for maintenance.
            wastewater is a major challenge for the             In addition to the conventional communication
            analyzer and for the sample preparation
                                                                modes, a Modbus communication channel is
                                                                available. An optional web browser enables a
                                                                ‘view’ of the instrument  from any networked
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