Page 16 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 16


            ■ TOC-Determination of a high                       ■ Function “Auto Re-measurement“
            concentrated Glycol solution                        The previous measurements are done with a
            TOC-determination on airports is one of the         fixed  dilution  factor  of  40.  But  which
            applications where the TOC  values can              parameter should be set if the samples with
            fluctuate significantly depending on the use of     high  concentration  are  exceptional  cases
            the de-icing agent. The de-icing agent that is      only?
            most  frequently  used  is  a  mixture  of  water,   In this case, the TOC-4200 provides the
            glycol and additives.                               function “Auto RE-measurement”.
            Due to this, the test is repeated with a glycol
            solution in different concentration.

            1. Glycol Solution
            Parameter:            TC
            Concentration:        45,250mg/L
            Dil. factor:          40
            Injection vol.:       20µl
            Port:                 Offline-Port
            #Inj.   Area    Concentration     Recovery
              1     1734      44,951 mg/L       99,3%
              2     1770      45,885 mg/L      101,4%
              3     1720      44,588 mg/L       98,5%
             MW     1741     45,133 mg/L        99,7%           This function allows setting of the parameters
             SD     25,8       669 mg/L                         for   the   normal    measurement      (lower
            RSD 1,48%                                           measurement range, un-diluted or low dilution
            2. Glycol Solution                                  If the measurement value exceeds the
            Parameter:            TC                            calibrated range, the injection volume and
            Concentration:        55,340mg/L                    dilution factor are automatically updated and
            Dil. factor:          40                            measurement is performed again.
            Injection vol.:       20µl
            Port:                 Offline-Port                  ■ Conclusion
                                                                The  results  show  that  the  TOC-4200  can
            #Inj.    Area    Concentration Recovery             handle samples with very high concentration
              1      2087      54,102 mg/L       97,8%          (up to 55,000 mg/L Carbon) without any
              2      2087      54,102 mg/L       97,8%          problems
              3      2027      52,547 mg/L       95,0%
             MW      2067     45,133 mg/L        96,8%
             SD      34,6       898 mg/L                        ■ Recommended Analyzer / Configuration
            RSD     1,68%                                       TOC-4200
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