Page 21 - 6_TOC in daily practice
P. 21

Sum Parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                        Continuous TOC determination in Petrochemistry

            No.  SCA-130-611
                                                                ■ Environmental protection

            The natural resource of petroleum is an inte-
            gral part of our modern economy. It is used not     Sewage and surface waters arising in a refin-
            only as a source of energy, but also as raw         ery contain  environmentally harmful com-
            material for countless products such as plas-       pounds which may  be  dissolved  and undis-
            tics, textile fibers, detergents, colorants, ferti-  solved. Non-dissolved components such as
            lizers or pharmaceuticals.                          oils  and solids are  often eliminated  prior  to
                                                                cleaning by means of gravitational separation.
                                                                Usually dissolved compounds are degraded
                                                                by biological processes. However, biological
                                                                purification plants are sensitive to the nature
                                                                and  amount of influent organic impurities. In
                                                                order to prevent  a  reduced cleaning  perfor-
                                                                mance, biological collapse  of  the  plant, or
                                                                even a pollutant input into the environment, it
                                                                is of outmost importance to continuously mon-
                                                                itor the refining effluents.

            In petroleum refineries, purified and deionized
            crude oil is preheated and then separated into      ■ TOC-4200
            its constituents in rectification columns. Frac-    The high-performance TOC-4200 analyser ap-
            tions created by  this process are further re-      plies catalytic combustion at 680 °C. The pow-
            fined, or redistilled.                              erful oxidation allows complete and rapid de-
                                                                tection of both  dissolved and undissolved
            ■ Requirements to modern refineries
            In  many cases only so-called "cracking" of         compounds, and enables the direct detection
                                                                of all contained hydrocarbons. Depending on
            long-chain hydrocarbons allows the market to        the sample characteristics, the total inorganic
            be covered by crude oil. The purity of the re-      carbon (TIC) and the volatile organic carbon
            sulting products, for example low-sulfur fuels,     (POC)  can  be measured  in  addition to TOC
            is subject to high quality requirements, which      and TC. In order to measure the total bound
            leads  to a  corresponding complexity of pro-       nitrogen (TN), the TOC-4200 can be upgraded
            cess technology. The generation of steam for        with a specific module.
            heating material flow is an important and en-       The consistent usage of inert materials re-
            ergy-consuming process,  which  in turn  also       duces the risk of cross-contamination through
            has the largest energy saving potential. Corro-     the absorption and desorption of oils and fats.
            sion on equipment such as heat exchangers           All fluid  paths, including the sample supply
            and boilers, leads to reduced energy efficiency     line, are  additionally  purged and rinsed  be-
            and  contamination of  the backflow conden-         tween each measurement.
            sate, so that it must be replaced and cleaned.
            This results in high costs for the plant operator.
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