Page 27 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 27


            ■TOC, total organic carbon                          2. Example Acetone (C 3H 6O) 1000mg/L
            The TOC content is a measure of the                 COD=2207mg/L
            concentration  of  organically  bound  carbon       TOC= 621mg/L
            and  is  therefore  a  direct  indication  of  the   Correlation COD/TOC= 3,55
            pollution  levels by organic compounds in
            wastewater.  For  TOC  determination,  the          3. Example Ethanol (C 2H 6O) 1000mg/L
            sample  is  typically  first  acidified  in  order  to   COD=2087mg/L
            convert    the   inorganic   carbonate   and        TOC= 522mg/L
            hydrogen carbonate compounds into carbon            Correlation COD/TOC= 4,00
            dioxide.  The  dissolved  CO 2  is  subsequently
            removed from the sample via sparging with a         The  examples  show  the  diversity  of
            stream of carrier gas. The remaining organic        correlation factors. In addition to the organic
            carbon compounds are then converted to              compounds,  other  compounds  like  nitrites,
            CO 2  via  high  temperature  (catalyst)  or  wet-  bromides, iodides, metal ions or sulfur
            chemical oxidation. The amount of CO 2              compounds  may  be  oxidized  and  influenced
            obtained is subsequently determined via             the factor.
            NDIR detection. NDIR is a specific detection        Due to this, the correlation factor can be vary
            mode  that  renders  TOC  determination  free       between 2,5 and 4 depending of  the
            from the effects described above when using         wastewater.
            other  parameters.  Based  on  this,  the  TOC
            parameter  is  used  in  many  environmental        In order to simplify the determination of the
            regulations.  Another  advantage  is  the           correlation factor, paragraph 6 of the German
            relatively  simple    conversion   of   TOC         wastewater  law  (AbwV)  of  June  17,  2004
            measurements into a continuous  monitoring          includes the following: “One of the values for
            procedure.                                          the chemical oxygen demand  (COD) as
                                                                defined  in the wastewater regulatory law  is,
            ■ Correlation between COD and TOC                   under compliance with paragraph 1, also
            In recent  years, COD measurements are              valid when the four-fold value of the total
            increasingly being replaced by TOC analysis.        organically  bound carbon (TOC) in mg/L,
            However, as the threshold values for organic        does not exceed this value”.
            pollution  levels in wastewater are usually
            described  and  determined  as  COD  values,        In the European Union, the factor „3“ is used
            efforts are underway to find a correlation          for conversion of TOC in COD.
            between the two parameters.

            For  single  compounds  the  factor  can  be        The instrument software of Shimadzu TOC
            calculated.                                         systems (TOC-L standalone, TOC-Control L,
                                                                TOC-4200 standalone) enables the automatic
            1. Example Glucose (C 6H1 2O 6) 1000mg/L            conversion  of measured TOC values into
            COD= 1067mg/L                                       COD value (if the correlation is known).
            TOC= 400mg/L
            Correlation COD/TOC= 2,66
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