Page 23 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 23

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         Silanisation of the syringe  –

                                         TOC-determination of surfactants


            The TOC determination of a surfactant               ■Preparation and security notes
            solution was not reproducible, nor did they         First  the  syringe  has  to  be  clean  and  dry.
            correspond  with the theoretically calculated       Please  refer  to  the  warning  remarks  of  the
            values.     Subsequently,     TOC       direct      used chemicals, wear protective clothing and
            determination of the surfactant was executed        work under the extractor hood.
            using    the   solid  sampler    SSM.    The
            measurement values obtained this way                ■ Procedure
            corresponded well with the theoretical values.        Take the silanization reagent (1ml) and
            This led to the conclusion that conversion of           put it into the syringe
            carbon  to  CO 2  was  not  the  problem,  rather     Turn the syringe 5 – 10 minutes to coat
            that the surfactant exhibits interactions with          the complete surface
            the  glass  surface.  Consequently,  carbon  is
            being removed from the surfactant solution,
            which explains the lower TOC measurement

            The main  module of the TOC-L  CPH is the
            ISP module (integrated sample preparation
            system). It consists of an 8-port valve and a
            syringe with sparging connection. The syringe
            is made of glass. In order to prevent
            interaction  of the surfactant with the glass
            surface, the syringe is first silanized.              Drain the silanisation reagent
                                                                  Remove the excess MSTFA by  washing
            ■ Required material for silanisation                    two times with 10ml methanol.
              1ml N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoro-          Following this procedure, the syringe is
                acetamide (for GC derivatization, ≥98.5%)           rinsed with water and dried (at 40°C -
                – e. g.: von  Fluka, No.  69479)                    50°C in the dying cabernet)
              approx. 20ml methanol                              After 24 hours, the  syringe is ready for
              1ml syringe with needle                              use

                                                                ■ Note
                                                                It is difficult to assume about the  long-term
                                                                stability of  this silanization. It depends of
                                                                different influences.
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