Page 18 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 18

Sum Parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                          TOC – Measurement principle

                                          Catalytic combustion at 680°C

            ■TOC-Measurement principle                          Salt interference at the detection cell from the
            The organic carbon compound is oxidized by          salt melt products may impact the quality and
            combustion to carbon dioxide. The carrier gas       accuracy of the data. Maintenance time is
            (transporting  the  CO 2) is  cooled and            also increased due to the extended cool
            dehumidified  and  passed  through  a  halogen      down  and  reheating  time  required  based  on
            scrubber into the cell of the NDIR (Non             the higher combustion temperature.
            Dispersive Infrared) detector where the CO 2
            is  detected.  The  NDIR  outputs  a  detection     ■ Shimadzu TOC method
            signal which generates a peak.                      Shimadzu     developed     the   catalytically
                                                                oxidation  at  680°C  and  uses  peak  area  for
                                                                integration.  This temperature is lower as the
                                                                melting points of some salts:

                                                                     Compound          Melting point
                                                                     NaCl              801 °C
                                                                     KCl               773 °C
                                                                     Na 2SO 4          888 °C
                                                                     MgCl 2            782°C
                                                                     CaCl 2            782 °C
                                                                        Tab.  Melting points of different salts

                                                                The deactivation of the catalyst and the
                                                                corrosion  of the combustion tube are
                                                                minimized. In total the  maintenance request
                                                                is lower as using higher temperature. On the
                                                                other  hand  the  platinum  catalyst  ensures  a
                                                                complete oxidation of all organic compounds.

            ■ Peak detection
            In the past high temperatures (up to 1000°C)
            were necessary because the first TOC
            instruments  use  the  peak  height  for
            integration. Due to this the conversion to CO 2
            must be instantaneous  to keep the peak as
            narrow and sharp as possible.

            ■ Disadvantage of high temperature
            The very high combustion temperature has
            the   disadvantage    of   high    levels  of
            maintenance     (deactivation   of   catalyst,
            corrosion  of  combustion  tube  and  detector
            cell) due to the salt melt products.
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