Page 22 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 22


            The TOC-V WP contains an automatic reagent          ■ Limitations
            preparation  function that eliminates possible      The  wet  chemical  oxidation  detects  less
            contamination of the persulphate  solution  in      particles. To measure samples containing
            order to assure that the average TOC value          particles the catalytic combustion with its
            truly originates from the sample – and not          higher oxidation potential has to be used.
            from the reagent solution used.                     In    addition,    simultaneous     TOC/TN b
                                                                measurements can be carried out.
            The  sample  is  added  to  the  persulphate
            solution  in  the  TC  reactor,  which  is  heated   ■ Application
            under UV illumination to convert the carbon         The main domain of the wet chemical
            content to carbon dioxide.                          oxidation is the analyses of ultra pure water
                                                                (pharma  water,  semiconductor  industry,
                                                                condensate…), because of the low detection
                                                                and good reproducibility in the ppb range.
                                                                Or in special applications, where the
                                                                combustion technique is not suitable.

                                                                Example of applications
                                                                  205 TOC  determination in ultra pure
                                                                    water with wet chemical oxidation
                                                                  309 TOC  determination in phosphoric
                                                                    acid (TOC-V WP)

            Figure.: TC reactor with integrated UV lamp and heating

            ■ Advantage of the method
            In the  combustion  oxidation the injection
            volume is limited to 2000µl (because of  the
            pressure impulse after injection). The wet
            chemical oxidation can  use injection volume
            up  to  20400µl.  This  high  injection  volume
            leads to higher sensitivity and  therefore                   Figue: TOC-V  WP with ASI-V
            enables high precision measurements in the
            lower ppb range.                                    ■ Recommended analyzer / Configuration
            The detection limit of these systems is             TOC-V WP/WS
            0,5µg/L.                                            ASI-V (with 40ml or 125ml vials)
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