Page 24 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 24

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC  determination with solid module

            No.  SCA-130-513

            In  addition  to  aqueous  samples,  TOC            CO 2, the generated gases are passed over a
            determination  can  also  performed  on  soil,      mixed  catalyst  (cobalt/platinum)  for  catalytic
            sludge, sedimentation and other solid               post-combustion.  The CO2 produced is
            samples.  By swabbing, the carbon in                subsequently  transferred  to  the  detector  in
            attached residues can be measured for               the main unit.
            cleaning validation.
                                                                The SSM-5000A solid  sample module does
            In  some  regulation  (e.g  regulation  for  the    not  have  its  own  detector,  but  is  coupled  to
            acceptance  of waste  at landfills pursuant)  a     the NDIR detector of the main  instrument
            limit value for TOC is mentioned.                   (TOC-V or TOC-L).

                                                                The NDIR detector of the main unit contains a
                                                                tandem cell consisting  of a long cell and a
                                                                short  cell  the  long  cell  is  used  for  water
                                                                analysis and a short cell for solid sample
                                                                This configuration assures that the system
                                                                can be employed for measurements of solids,
                                                                while retaining its  complete flexibility and

                                                                switching  functionality  between  water  and
                                                                solid sample analysis  without any additional
            The modular design  of Shimadzu’s TOC               conversion.
            series supports straightforward combination
            with a solid sample module. In this way, the        ■ IC – Determination
            instruments can also be employed for the            The determination of the inorganic carbon is
            analysis of  solids. The SSM-5000A module           carried out in a separate furnace of the
            can  be  used  in  combination  with  TOC-L  a      module. Phosphoric  acid is added to the
            TOC-V wet-chemical.                                 sample and the resulting CO 2 is  purged at

                                                                200 °C and measured.
            The  solid  module  allows  the  separate
            determination of TC (Total carbon) and the IC
            (inorganic  carbon). It has two different
            sampling parts.
            The module is fully integrated  into  the TOC
            software    (standalone   and    TOC-Control
            software) which automatically calculates the

            ■ TC – Determination
            For the TC determination, a subsample of the
            dried solids is weighed into a ceramic boat
            and  combusted  at  900  °C  in  a  stream  of
            oxygen.  To  ensure  complete  conversion  to
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