Page 29 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 29


            The example above describes the  oxidation          ■ Methanol
            of  carbon  with  oxygen.  For  organic             Oxidation of methanol:
            substances  the ratio between carbon atoms
            and  oxygen  atoms  is  different,  which  is  of         2 �� �� � 3 �  �  2 �� � 4 � �
            direct influence on the conversion factors
            from TOC to COD.                                    2  Carbons  react  with  3  oxygen  molecules.
                                                                The calculation is as follows:
            Here are a few examples.
                                                                for C:   1000  ��  ∶ �2 ∗ 12  �  � �  41.67  ����
            ■ Oxalic acid                                                    �          ���            �
            Oxidation of oxalic acid proceeds as follows:
                                                                            ��           �           ����
                                                                for O 2:  1000  �  ∶ �3 ∗  32  ��� � �  10.42  �
                   2 � � � ��  �  4 �� � 2 � �
                      � � �
                                                                           ����          ����  �  4.000
            4 carbons  react with  an oxygen  molecule.               41.67   �   ∶ 10.42  �
            This is the calculation:
                                                                ■ Real water samples
                         ��          �           ����           These examples show how the COD factor
            for C:   1000   ∶ �4 ∗ 12  � �  20.83
                         �          ���            �            can be calculated. They also illustrate why,
                                                                due to the composition of a sample, the COD
                         ��          �          ����
            for O 2:  1000  ∶ �1 ∗ 32   �  31.25                factor may vary so much.
                         �          ���           �

                                                                In addition, real water samples usually
                        ����         ����
                  20.83       ∶ 31.25      �  0.667             contain a large number of different organic
                          �            �
                                                                substances. This is why the bandwidth of the
            ■ Benzene                                           conversion  factors ranges from < 1 to > 5,
            The way oxidation of benzene proceeds:              depending on the amount of oxygen that is
                                                                already bound in the organic compounds.
                  2 � � � 15 �  �  12 �� � 6 � �
                     � �
                                                                Furthermore,    COD     determination    also
            12 Carbons react with 15 oxygen molecules.          measures  oxidizable  inorganic  compounds,
            The calculation is as follows:                      such as nitrites, bromides, iodides, metal ions
                                                                and sulfur compounds and this may influence
                         ��           �          ����           the conversion factor.
            for C:   1000   ∶ �12 ∗ 12  �� 6.94
                         �           ���           �

                                                                The instrument software of  Shimadzu TOC
                         ��           �          ����
            for O 2:  1000  ∶ �15 ∗ 32  �� 2.08                 systems (TOC-L standalone, TOC-Control L,
                         �           ���           �
                                                                TOC-4200 standalone) enables the automatic
                        ����        ����                        conversion  of measured TOC values into
                    6.94       ∶ 2.08      �  3.34
                           �           �                        COD value (if the correlation is known).
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