Page 32 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 32

Sum Parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                        Manual injection of low sample volumes

            No. SCA-130-517

            The manual injection  kit can be used to            The highly sensitive  NDIR detector also
            perform  TOC  analysis  in  gases  or  liquids.     permits injection of very small volumes such
            Manual injection of liquids requires just small     as 5 µL.
            sample  amounts.  In  general,  the  injection
            quantity is 50 – 150 µL. As a result, multiple
            injections  only  require  sample  volumes  of
            less than 0.5 mL.

                                                                Figure: Injection blocks for manual injection
                                                                (IC and TC).

                                                                ■ Calibration
                                                                As an example, a TC calibration using the
            In particular, the  manual injection kit is         manual  injection  kit  is  discussed  here.  The
            needed for the measurement of highly                measurement range  of the calibration is
            valuable samples, or in cases of very small         between 2.5 mg/L and 20 mg/L C (calibration
            sample amounts available.                           substance: potassium hydrogen phthalate).

            To retrofit the TOC-L with the manual               The injection volume was 5 µL and injection
            injection  kit,  the  injection  slider  is  removed   for each calibration point was carried out at
            and replaced by an injector block. Changing         least twice.
            both injector blocks (TC port / IC port) takes
            less than a minute.

            Afterwards  the  sample  can  be  injected
            manually onto the  catalyst or the IC port
            using conventional GC injection syringes.

            As detection limit and reproducibility, among
            others, also depend on the injection volume,
            injection volumes of > 100 µL are often used.

                                                                Figure: TC calibration using an injection volume of 5 µL
                                                                (r = 0,9996).
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