Page 30 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 30

Sum parameters – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC – Control samples and control cards


            Analytical quality assurance is an  important       Users  can  define  their  own  parameters  for
            topic in many analytical application areas.         each control sample. The results can be
            Various information leaflets as well as             specified either in terms of concentration or
            appropriate  quality  standards  provide  tips  or   directly in terms of recovery.

            guidelines on the most suitable measures to         Blind  value  controls  can  be  defined  as  well.
            attain high-level analytical quality.               The blind values are usually entered without
                                                                specifying a concentration (area).
            ■ Control samples
            Control samples are important tools in              ■ Measures
            analytical quality control. Specially prepared      The TOC autosamplers often run overnight
            solutions of known concentration are used to        and  process  the  samples  sequentially  until
            test the system and the validity of the specific    the next morning. All the more annoying
            calibration.  The control samples are treated       when the analytical staff finds out the
            like unknown samples to determine the               following  morning  that  the  control  samples
            concentrations or recovery. The user’s quality      are outside of the specified tolerance limit. In
            management system specifies a  tolerance            such cases, the software offers a solution.
            range the target value should be in.
                                                                When tolerance limits are exceeded, the
            The TOC Control software of the TOC-L and           software can, for example, start an automatic
            TOC-V systems enable the definition of such         recalibration or repeat the run of the last
            control samples.                                    control sample within the tolerance limits.

                                                                When ‘precious’ samples need to be
                                                                measured, or only very small amounts of the
                                                                sample material are available, the  analytical
                                                                run can also be stopped.

                                                                ■ Control cards
                                                                In  order  to  identify  trends  or  system
                                                                deterioration in due time, the measurement
                                                                values    of  the    control  samples     are
                                                                documented on a time axis. This leads to so-
                                                                called control cards, in which the results are
                                                                listed  on the Y-axis and the corresponding

                   Figure: Control sample parameters.           dates on the X-axis.
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