Page 26 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 26

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         Comparison of different sum parameters –
                                         COD, BOD and TOC


            Identification  of   organic   pollutants  in       obtained are therefore not useful for
            wastewater is essential for performance             monitoring and controlling of wastewater
            evaluation,  construction  and  operation  of  a    treatment procedures. For continuously
            wastewater     treatment    plant.    Several       operated  BOD  analyzers,  determination
            parameters are currently used in wastewater         within 5 -15 minutes has been attempted.
            analysis applications.  Some of these are
            based on oxygen demand, for instance BOD            ■ COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)
            (biochemical    oxygen     demand),     COD         The  COD  value  indicates  the  amount  of
            (chemical  oxygen  demand  and  TOD  (total         oxygen needed to chemically oxidize organic
            oxygen demand). Using TOC analysis,                 compounds present in wastewater. A
            however,  the  total  organic  carbon  content  is   chemical oxidizing agent is added to the
            determined directly so the method is relatively     sample and its consumption is subsequently
            free  from  matrix  effects.  The  advantages  of   measured. In addition to the organic
            TOC analyses are apparent especially during         compounds,     other   compounds     (nitrites,
            continuous monitoring.                              bromides,  iodides,  metal  ions  and  sulfur
                                                                compounds) present in the water sample can
                                                                also be oxidized and have an influence on the
                                                                measuring value.
                                                                The COD determination is a subject of critical
                                                                discussion due to the use of environmentally
                                                                hazardous substances such as mercury and
                                                                chromium compounds.

                                                                ■ TOD (Total Oxygen Demand)
                                                                This rather  seldom parameter evolved from
                                                                the  idea  that  chemical  oxidation  via  COD
                                                                could be replaced by thermal  oxidation,
                                                                whereby  the  amount  of  oxygen  required  for
            ■ BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)                   high-temperature     combustion     of     all
            The  BOD  value  indicates  the  amount  of         contaminants is determined. This reduces the
            oxygen  in  water  needed  for  biological          measuring  time  when  compared  with  COD
            decomposition     of   organic    compounds         determination.    However,    during    TOD
            dissolved    in   wastewater.    For    BOD         measurements,      non-carbon      containing
            determination,  microorganisms  are  added  to      compounds,  for  example  sulfur  and  nitrogen
            the water sample. After a predefined time           compounds, are also  oxidized. This  is
            interval,  usually  five  days,  the  oxygen        probably the reason why this parameter is not
            consumed by bacteria during decomposition           used    by   most    well-known    regulatory
            of organic compounds in the water sample is         agencies.
            determined. The BOD5 test is much too slow
            to provide suitable information and the results
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