Page 21 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 21

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC determination with wet chemical UV-oxidation


            Two oxidation techniques are now commonly
            used  in TOC  analysis:  catalytic combustion
            and wet-chemical oxidation.
            In  catalytic  combustion,  carbon  compounds
            are    converted    to   CO 2   using    high
            temperatures and a catalyst, with subsequent
            detection of the resulting CO 2 using an NDIR
            Wet-chemical oxidation uses a  combination                  Abb.: Peak graph of  KHP standard
            of UV irradiation and persulfate oxidation.                         (NPOC = 5 mg/l)

            ■ Wet chemical UV-oxidation                         Blue: Temperature / UV / Persulfate
            In  the  wet  chemical  UV-oxidation,  the          Peak shape : 2.46 min.
            oxidation power of OH-radicals is used.
            T                                                   Red: UV / Persulfate
            he  UV  (185nm)  activates  the  H2O  to            (Peak shape: 3.54 min.)
            generate the [OH•] radicals as
            H 2O + hv (185nm)  → OH• + H                        Green: Temperature / Persulfate
                                                                (Peak shape: 4.13 min.)
            The UV (185nm) also activates the persulfate
            to generate the [OH•] radicals as                   The  graph  shows  signal  vs  time  for  the
            S 2O 8  + hν (254nm)     →  2 SO 4                  analysis of a 5 ppm KHP standard using the
            SO 4  + H 2O  → HSO 4  + OH •                       different  methods.    The    graph   clearly
                                                                demonstrates that the  combined method of
            OH  radicals  are  strong  oxidants  and  oxidize   UV,  persulphate  and  temperature  has  the
            the carbon compounds to CO 2.                       shortest analysis time and sharpest peak
            {Organic compounds} + OH • →  CO 2 + H 2O
                                                                ■ TOC-V  WP
            In addition the temperature has an influence        The key technique of the TOC-VWP analyzer
            to the oxidation reaction. The following figure     is the powerful oxidation via the combination
            illustrates the influence of the different          of sodium persulphate and UV oxidation at
            parameter:                                          80 °C. A persulphate solution is needed for
                                                                the determination and it is therefore important
                                                                that this solution does not contain any
                                                                contaminants that could negatively affect the
                                                                measuring value.
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