Page 28 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 28

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         COD and TOC correlation factor – Conversion


            The determination of the chemical oxygen            ■ Theoretical COD/ TOC factor
            demand  (COD) is  time-consuming and                If the TOC is used as an analytical parameter
            complex. After the sample has been mixed            to calculate the COD,  a conversion factor is
            with various reagents, it is left to boil at 120°C   required. The AbwV specifies the factor 4. A
            (according to DIN regulation) under reflux (air     theoretical factor is derived from the reaction
            cooler),  subsequently  an  aliquot  of  the        ratios between C and O 2:
            mixture is back-titrated or photometrically
            measured (rapid test).                                             � � �  �  ��
            In   addition,  environmentally    hazardous
            substances, such as  a mercury-containing           As the COD corresponds to the required
            sulfuric acid and a potassium-dichromate            oxygen    amount,    the   O 2  consumption
            solution are used.                                  corresponds to the COD value – C represents
                                                                to the TOC value.
            The determination of  TOC (Total Organic
            Carbon), on the other hand, is fast and easy        Since the  COD or the TOC concentrations
            to perform. In addition,  less than 1 mL of a       must be  expressed in terms of mass
            diluted  hydrochloric  acid  solution  is  used  for   concentration,  the  molar  masses  of the  two
            each analysis.                                      reactants  are  used  here  for  the  conversion.
                                                                The  ratio  of  carbon  concentration  to  oxygen
            ■  COD  and  TOC  in  the  German  Waste            concentration corresponds to the TOC/COD
            Water Ordinance (AbwV)                              correlation.  Based on the reaction equation
            For  decades,  there  have  been  efforts  to       above, this means
            replace  the  COD  by  the  TOC  parameter.
            However, to date the COD is laid down in the        for C:   1000  ��  ∶ 12  �  �  83.33  ����
            German Waste Water Ordinance. In order to                        �      ���           �
            still use the TOC  parameter, Article 6
                                                                            ��       �          ����
            “Compliance with the requirements” of the           for O 2:  1000  �  ∶ 32  ���  �  31.25  �
            German Waste Water Ordinance states the
            following:                                          The  COD  factor  is  derived  from  the  molar
            (3) “With due regard for paragraph (1) above,       ratio of C to O 2:
            a  chemical  oxygen  demand  (COD)  level
            specified in the water discharge permit shall                  ����          ����  �  2.667
            also be deemed to have been met provided                  88.33   �   ∶ 31.25  �
            the quadruple amount of total organically
            bonded carbon (TOC), specified in milligrams        In this  case, the conversion from TOC to
            per liter, does not exceed this level.”             COD is as follows:

                                                                    ��� �� � � �� � � ���  � �� � ∗ 2.667
                                                                                �            �
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