Page 12 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
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            Application                  Imaging Mass Microscope

                                         A Study of Toxicity Evaluation Using the iMScope TRIO

                                         - Analysis of Localization of Amiodarone in Rat Lungs -
            No. B61

            In drug discovery research, the analysis of the
            pharmacokinetics of candidate compounds provides
            important information not only in the elucidation of
            pharmacological mechanisms, but also from the
            viewpoint of toxicity assessment. In general, a method
            using autoradiography (ARG) and fluorescent dye is used,
            but with ARG the costs are  high, and there have been
            concerns about the effects of using fluorescent agents as
            labeling agents on the pharmacokinetics. In recent years,
            the analytical technique of MS imaging has been
            attracting attention as a method that can detect data on
            the localization of candidate compounds without using a
            label. This method is expected to provide a breakthrough
            in drug discovery research as it can be used to analyze the
            localization of various substances without labeling, and to
            simultaneously analyze the  unchanged drug and its
            metabolites using the same section.
                                                                                    iMScope TRIO
            Here, we introduce an example of MS imaging analysis

            using the iMScope TRIO imaging mass microscope (Fig. 2)
                                                                          Table 1  Experimental Conditions
            to compare the localization of the pathological findings
            with that of the amiodarone observed in lung tissue after   Sample Preparation
                                                                      Animal species     : Rat
            administering amiodarone (Fig. 1) to rats.
                                                                      Administered drug  : Amiodarone hydrochloride
                                        R. Yamaguchi, T. Yamamoto     Administration method   : 3-day repeated oral

            „  Analysis of Localization of Amiodarone in Rat Lungs    Dose               : 1000 mg/kg
                                                                      Organ              : Pulmonary tissue
            In this experiment, we measured the tissue sections of rats
                                                                      Section            : Fresh frozen sections
            lungs that had been administered amiodarone, an anti-     Section thickness  : 10 μm
            arrhythmia drug. When administered in large quantities,
            amiodarone causes phospholipidosis and pathological   Matrix Coating
            findings such as foamy macrophage infiltration of cells are   Matrix         : CHCA
                                                                      Matrix coating method  : Sublimation by iMLayer
            observed. However, up until now there  had been no        Matrix coating thickness   : 0.7 μm
            information on whether amiodarone accumulated in the
            lesions or not, so we examined the relationship between   Measurement Conditions
            the pathological findings and localization of amiodarone   Analysis instrument  : iMScope TRIO
            utilizing the MS imaging technique. In the preliminary    Measurement mode   : positive mode
            study test using standard amiodarone, we optimized the    MS range           : m/z 500-700
                                                                      Laser diameter     : 5 μm
            matrix selection and measurement mode, and applied        Spatial resolution  : 5 μm
            those conditions in this experiment. Table  1 shows the
            experimental conditions from sample preparation to MS
            imaging analysis.                                    7.5  (x1,000,000)             646.037
            On comparing the mass spectrum taken from a  tissue   5.0
            section obtained by performing high-resolution imaging   2.5
            with a spatial resolution of 5 μm using the iMScope TRIO   506.139 518.123  550.130  568.141  584.186  618.005  634.000  662.032
            with the mass spectrum of the standard, a common      500.0  525.0  550.0  575.0  600.0  625.0  650.0  675.0  700.0
            m/z 646.0 signal was detected (Fig. 3). By drawing a mass   Mass spectrum taken from the tissue section
            image of this m/z 646.0, we confirmed that amiodarone   (x10,000,000)
            had accumulated where  foamy macrophages had        1.00                           646.056
            infiltrated the cells (Fig. 4).                     0.50  518.126
                                                                                 579.246    630.001
                                                                  500.0  525.0  550.0  575.0  600.0  625.0  650.0  675.0  700.0
                                                                  Mass spectrum of standard

                                                                         Mass Spectra of the Tissue Section and Standard

                          Structural Formula of Amiodarone
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17