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            Application                  Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry

                                         Simultaneous Analysis of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
                                         in Human Blood Plasma with LC/MS/MS
            No. C143

            Cancer treatment in recent years employs drugs known   second and third generation drugs, continue to be
            as molecular targeted drugs that were developed to   developed.
            target molecules related to the growth, invasion, and   This  article introduces an  example of  simultaneous
            metastasis of tumor cells in order to inhibit tumor cell   analysis of EGFR-TKIs, ALK-TKIs,  and metabolites  in
            growth.                                            human blood plasma for the purpose of research into
            Lung cancer treatment  employs tyrosine kinase     pharmacokinetics using the triple quadrupole high
            inhibitors (TKIs), which target the epidermal growth   performance liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer
            factor receptor (EGFR) and anaplastic lymphoma kinase   LCMS-8050.
            (ALK), and new molecular targeted drugs, referred to as                                 T. Tsukamoto

            „  Simultaneous Analysis of Four EGFR-TKIs and Three ALK-TKIs
            Samples with the standard EGFR-TKIs and ALK-TKIs   for analysis.  MRM measurement with  LC/MS/MS can
            listed in Table 1 added to a control human blood   selectively detect target drugs according to their
            plasma were deproteinized according to the process in   molecular mass and structure (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).
            Fig. 1 and the resulting supernatants were submitted

                                                             Table 1  EGFR-TKIs, ALK-TKIs, and Metabolites
                                                                        Molecular   Monoisotopic   MRM transition
                                                                         formula     mass [u]      m/z
                                                             Afatinib   C24H25ClFN5O3   485.163   486.2 > 371.1
                                                             Erlotinib   C22H23N3O4   393.169   394.2 > 278.1
                                                            OSI-420     C21H21N3O4   379.153    380.2 > 278.1
                                                             Gefitinib   C22H24ClFN4O3   446.152   447.2 > 128.1
                                                            Osimertinib   C28H33N7O2   499.270   500.3 > 72.1
                                                            AZ5104      C27H31N7O2   485.254    486.3 > 72.2
                                                            Alectinib   C30H34N4O2   482.268    483.3 > 396.3
                                                  ALK-TKIs   Crizotinib   C21H22Cl2FN5O   449.119   450.1 > 260.2
                                                             Ceritinib   C28H36ClN5O3S   557.223   558.2 > 433.1
                  Pretreatment Workflow of Blood              *1 Erlotinib metabolite, *2 Osimertinib metabolite
                     Plasma Samples

                  Precursor Ion and Product Ion of

                                                   Mass Chromatograms of Human Blood Plasma Samples with Standard Additives
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