Page 17 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 17

Application  No.L464

                         Table 3  Analytical Conditions                     Table 5  Analytical Conditions
            System     : (1) Prominence                        System     : (1) Prominence
                         (2) Nexera X2 (Loop injection with 20 µL loop)       (2) Nexera X2 (Loop injection with 20 µL loop)
            Column     : (1) Shim-pack VP-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 4.6 µm)  Column   : Shim-pack VP-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 4.6 µm)
                         (2) Shim-pack XR-ODS Ⅲ (50 mm L. × 2.0 mm I.D., 1.6 µm)  Mobile Phase   : Sodium phosphate buffer <pH 2.8> / methanol = 65/35 (v/v)
            Mobile Phase   : Methanol / water / acetic acid = 10/89/1 (v/v/v)  Column Temp.  : 40 °C
            Column Temp.  : Ambient                            Flowrate   : 1.2 mL/min
            Flowrate    (1) 0.8 mL/min                         Injection Vol.   : 10 µL
                         (2) 0.47 mL/min                       Detection   : (1) SPD-20AV at 295 nm
            Injection Vol.   : (1) 10 µL                                    (2) SPD-M30A at 295 nm
                         (2) 2 µL                              Flow Cell   : (1) Conventional cell (for SPD-20A(V))
            Detection   : (1) SPD-20AV at 254 nm                            (2) Standard cell (for SPD-M30A)
                         (2) SPD-M30A at 254 nm
            Flow Cell   : (1) Conventional cell (for SPD-20A(V))
                         (2) Standard cell (for SPD-M30A)

                   mAU (×1,000)                                      mAU (×100)
                    Shim-pack VP-ODS (Prominence)                     Shim-pack VP-ODS (Prominence)
              0.75                                                2.0
                                             2                                          1
              0.50              1
              0.00                                                0.0
                  0.0      2.5      5.0      7.5    min             0.0      2.5      5.0      7.5     min
                   mAU (×1,000)                                      mAU (×100)
                    Shim-pack XR-ODSᶙ (Nexera X2)                     Shim-pack VP-ODS (Nexera X2)
               2.0                                                2.0
                                              2                                         1
               1.0                                                1.0

               0.0                                                0.0
                 0.00     0.25     0.50     0.75    min             0.0      2.5      5.0      7.5     min
                   ■ Peaks                                           ■  Peak
                    1. Sulfanilamide, 2. Sulfacetamide                 1. Timolol
            Fig. 1  Chromatograms of System Suitability Test Solution    Fig. 2  Chromatograms of Standard Solution
                 (Upper: VP-ODS with Prominence, Lower: XR-ODS Ⅲ with Nexera X2)  (Upper: VP-ODS on Prominence, Lower: VP-ODS on Nexera X2)
                    Table 4  Results of System Suitability Test         Table 6  Results of System Suitability Test
                                       VP-ODS     XR-ODSⅢ                                 VP-ODS     VP-ODS
               System suitability requirements  (Prominence)  (Nexera X2)  System suitability requirements  (Prominence)  (Nexera X2)
             USP resolution between                             USP tailing factor  ≦ 2.0   1.12      1.11
             sulfacetamide and   ≧ 5.0  14.54      12.23        USP column efficiency  ≧ 3600  6354   6965
             USP tailing factor for   ≦ 1.5  1.09  1.04         Relative standard deviation  ≦ 2.0   Rt 0.027 %  Rt 0.082 %
             sulfacetamide                                                          %   Area 0.034 % Area 0.062 %
             Relative standard deviation   ≦ 2.0   Rt 0.015 %  Rt 0.037 %
             for sulfacetamide   %   Area 0.067 % Area 0.103 %  n Conclusion
                                                               This study demonstrated that, in accordance with the
            n A USP Method Performed on Nexera X2              new USP General Chapter 621, even higher-speed
            Next, this example shows how analysis of a timolol   analysis is possible with the Shim-pack XR-ODS Ⅲ and
            maleate ophthalmic solution is conducted using the   Nexera X2. Also, because the Nexera X2 can be used
            Nexera X2 without changing the analytical conditions   not only for UHPLC analysis, but for HPLC analysis as
            specified in the USP. Timolol maleate is a type of non-  well, it is also suitable for those who are running
            selective β-blocker. Table 5 shows the analytical   traditional USP methods on a standard HPLC system,
            conditions used, Fig. 2 shows the chromatogram of the   and are considering the adoption of a UHPLC system
            standard solution (0.136 mg/mL timolol maleate)    for higher-speed analysis of USP methods in the future..
            obtained, and Table 6 shows the system suitability test
            results. Even using the Nexera X2 UHPLC system, it is   [References]
                                                               USP General Chapter 621, USP 37-NF 32, First supplement
            clear that analysis equivalent to that using the   USP Monograph, Sulfacetamide, USP 37-NF 32, First supplement
            Prominence HPLC system is easily achieved without any   USP Monograph, Timolol maleate ophthalmic solution, USP 37-NF 32,
            problem.                                           First supplement

                                                                                                      First Edition: Sep. 2014

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
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                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2014
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