Page 20 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 20


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

                                         High Speed Analysis of Pharmaceutical Impurities in
                                         Compliance with European Pharmacopoeia Using
            No. L518                     Nexera-i MT

            In recent years, the development of short-time analytical   In this research we  examined reducing the analysis
            methods for improving analytical  task efficiency and   time within the adjustment range allowed by the EP.
            productivity is promoting the uptake of an ultra-high-  Table 1 lists the analytical conditions that comply with
            speed analytical technology that uses UHPLC systems   both the ivermectin related substances testing
            and columns packed with microparticles in research and   section  and the allowable adjustment range assigned
            development departments in the pharmaceutical field.   in the EP. Since the Nexera-i MT used in analysis
            This trend also applies to pharmacopoeia. For example,   features both HPLC and UHPLC flow lines, it allows
            according  to "Adjustment of chromatographic       migration between conventional analysis and high
            condition"  described in the 8th edition of the European   speed analysis within a single system. The Shim-pack
            Pharmacopoeia (EP), adjustments to parameters in TLC,   GIST C18 series was used for the analytical columns.
            LC, GC  and SFC are only  allowed when  the  system   The analytical conditions other than the analytical
            suitability requirements are satisfied. In  such a case,   columns and flow rate are the same as those listed in
            revalidation is not required.                      the EP.
            This article introduces an example of high speed   Fig. 1 shows  resulting chromatograms of ivermectin
            analysis of pharmaceuticals and related substances in   standard solution (0.8 mg/mL). The high speed analysis
            compliance with the EP using the Nexera-i MT       provided approximately 60 % and 40 % reductions of
            integrated high performance liquid chromatograph.   analysis time and mobile phase consumption
                                                               respectively  while maintaining enough separation.
                                                    N. Iwata
                                                               Table 2 shows the results of system suitability test. Both

            „  Allowable Adjustment Range of HPLC              conventional analysis and high speed analysis passed
            The LC section in "Adjustment of chromatographic   the test.
            condition" is  broadly classified into isocratic elution
            and gradient elution.
            For gradient elution, the allowable adjustment range of   mAU
            methods differs from that of isocratic elution because
            peak-shifting  caused by unstable gradient profile of   10
            the mobile phase can lead to misidentification and                           H 2 B 1a
            overlapping of multiple peaks. For example, in terms of
            column particle size, while a reduction of up to 50% is
            possible for isocratic  elution, particle size cannot be   5
            adjusted for gradient elution. Furthermore, in the case                H 2 B 1b
            of gradient elution, it is stated that the elution time of
            the principal peak must be within r15 % of that in the
            testing method. Thus, the adjustments of many
            parameters are restricted for gradient elution and    0
            further  high speed analysis is practically impossible.
            Therefore high speed analysis can only be achieved for   0.0             25.0              min
            isocratic elution.

            „  High Speed Analysis of Ivermectin and Related       mAU
            Ivermectin, belonging to  macrolides, is known as a
            therapeutic drug for strongyloidiasis, an antiscabietic                       H 2 B 1a
            and an antiparasitic agent for animals. The two main   15
            components of ivermectin are H 2B 1a (molecular weight:
            875) and H 2B 1b (molecular weight: 861).  The former
            makes up more than 90 % of its composition.          10
                        Table 1  Analytical Conditions                             H 2 B 1b
               System       : Nexera-i MT
               Column 1     :  Shim-pack GIST C18
               (Conventional)   (250 mm L, 4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm)     0
               Flow rate 1   :  1.0 mL/min
               Column 2     :  Shim-pack GIST C18                                    10.0      15.0
               (High speed)   (150 mm L, 4.6 mm I.D., 3 μm)       0.0       5.0                        min
               Flow rate 2   :  1.5 mL/min
               Mobile phase   :  A) Water                              Chromatograms of Ivermectin Standard Solution
                             B) Methanol
                             C) Acetonitrile                    Upper: Conventional Analysis Using HPLC Flow Line (Column 1)
                             A/B/C=15/34/51 (v/v/v)             Lower: High Speed Analysis Using UHPLC Flow Line (Column 2)
               Column temp.   :  25 qC
               Injection volume   :  20 μL
               Detection    : UV254 nm
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