Page 22 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
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            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

                                         Analysis of Montelukast Sodium Using Prominence-i
                                         and Nexera-i MT
            No. L520

            Montelukast sodium is used as a therapeutic drug for            Table 1  Analytical Conditions
            treating bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis, and is   Column  : Phenyl silyl silica gel column
            listed in the 17th edition of the Japanese                    (50 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 1.8 μm)
                                                                Flow rate  : 1.2 mL/min
            Pharmacopoeia (JP). The JP is aiming for international   Mobile phase : A) Water/Trifluoroacetic acid = 2000/3 (v/v)
            harmonization with the US Pharmacopoeia (USP) and             B) Acetonitrile/Trifluoroacetic acid = 2000/3 (v/v)
            European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and descriptions for   Time program : B Conc. 40 % (0 min) → 40 % (3 min) → 51 % (16 min)
            this drug have already been harmonized between the   Column temp. : 30 °C
                                                                Detection  : UV 238 nm (Cell temp. 40 °C)
            USP and EP. Therefore, the testing methods described   Injection vol.  : 10 μL
            in the JP are based on this harmonized content.
            Structural formulae of impurities and flow rates used
            for analysis are clearly indicated, showing how the tests   150  mAU
            should be from now on.
            This article introduces system suitability tests of                   B
            montelukast sodium using Prominence-i and Nexera-i    125                   Montelukast Sodium
            MT in compliance with the 17th edition of the JP.
                                            K. Nakajima, Y. Osaka
              Analysis of Montelukast Sodium Using
               Prominence-i                                       75
            A system suitability test was conducted according to
            the quantitative method  for montelukast sodium       50
            (Fig. 1) described in the JP.                                               E
            Solution A (1 mg/mL) for peak identification was                       C, D             F
            prepared using the montelukast standard for system    25
            suitability tests. Solution B for peak identification was    Impurity A
            then prepared by taking 1 mL of solution A into a clear
            vial and allowing to stand it for 20 minutes. Table 1 lists   0
            the analytical  conditions of solution B. The obtained
            chromatogram using Prominence-i is shown in Fig. 2      0.0   2.5  5.0   7.5   10.0  12.5  15.0 min
            and indicates that the related substances listed in the
                                                                       Chromatogram of Montelukast Sodium Standard
            JP are also identified. Table 2 shows results of the      for System Suitability Test Using Prominence-i
            system suitability test.

                                                                  Table 2  Results of System Suitability Test (Prominence-i)
                                                                  System Suitability Requirements   Results   Judgements
                                                                 (Montelukast Sodium   ≥ 2.5   3.8   PASSED
                                                                   and Impurity B)
                                                                 (Montelukast Sodium   ≥ 1.5   2.8   PASSED
                                                                   and Impurity E)
                                                                 System Repeatability  ≤ 0.73 %   0.27   PASSED
                                                                    (% RSD Area)

                      Structural Formula of Montelukast Sodium
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