Page 24 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 24

Application                   Ultra fast Purification Liquid
                                         Isolation and identification of

            No.  LC-15-ADI-036           Atorvastatin degradation impurities by

              Introduction:
                                                               Experimental:
             Atorvastatin is an antilipemic drug belonging to  Acid Degradation
             the statins class, whose reference drug is Pfizer’s
             Lipitor® (shown in Figure 1). It is used to reduce  200 mg of Atorvastatin API sample was dissolved in
             the levels of lipoproteins rich in cholesterol and  10 mL of methanol and added 10 mL of 0.1 N
             reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. The                                0
             drug in question is commonly sought after by     hydrochloric acid and kept at 80 C for 1 hr. After
             pharmaceutical industries that produce generic   degradation, added a few mL of methanol to
             drugs, due to the fact that the drug has a high  dissolve residue and diluted to 10 mL. This solution
             value price, it is consumed globally, and its patent
             expired in late 2010. Atorvastatin has been found  was used for analysis on UFPLC for fraction
             to degrade under acid and basic conditions.      collection. 10 µL of the solution was taken and
                                                              diluted with 1mL of acetonitrile/water (1:1) to make
             Prominence UFPLC, Ultra Fast Preparative and
             Purification Liquid Chromatograph (Shown in      200 mg/L and then injected into HPLC
             Figure 2.), enables fast recovery of highly purified  Analytical Conditions
             target compounds from complex samples such as
             organic synthesis reaction mixtures and natural   Mobile phase A     : 0.1% TFA in water
             products. Preparative LC (Prep LC) is a widely used  Mobile phase B     : Acetonitrile
             technique in many research developments and
             manufacturing   applications,  including  the     Gradient program : (0.01/ 40, 10.00/50, 15.00/70
             synthesis of new drug compounds and the                              20.00/90, 25.00/90, 30.00/40
             discovery  of  active  components  in  natural                       35.00/40) (Time in mins /B%
             products. It is mostly used to collect large
             amounts of unknown compounds in foods and         Column                 : Shim-pack GIS C-18
             drugs for subsequent structural analysis.                            (250X10mm, 5µ)
                                                               Flow Rate         : 5.0 ml/min
                                                               Wavelength        : 245 nm
                                                               Preparation for Analysis
                                                              The degradation sample was diluted with methanol
                                                              to make the clear solution. After dilution the sample
                                                              concentration was 10 g/L. Before UFPLC analysis
               Figure 1. Atorvastatin      Figure 2. UFPLC    diluted samples were analyzed on Nexera system to
             Features                                        check the extent of degradation. The fast method
            i. Comprehensive Automation of Preparative LC,    was developed on Shim-pack XR-ODS-II on Nexera
            Concentration, Purification, Elution, Collection   X2 system to check the purity of degradation
            and Powderization Only in 1.5 Hours               samples and fractions collected by UFPLC.
                    Dedicated automation software to assist    Results and Discussion
                    chemists in preparative procedure through   Automation  of  preparative  LC,  concentration,
                    collection                                purification, elution and collection controlled by
                    The time of evaporation can be reduced   dedicated automation software (see page 3) assists
                    by up to 90% because of collection with   chemists in clearly identifying the peaks which are
                    organic solvent.                          trapped and collected in specific color code. 1D
            ii. High Purity as a Free Base                    chromatogram    is  shown   in  Figure  3  and
                    Removal of counter ions derived from     corresponding area percentages are given in Table
                    preparative mobile phase                  1. Table 1:Area Percentage
                    De-salting and conversion to free base
                    with ammonia/water                         Peak#    Name     Ret. Time  Area     Area%
            iii. Small Footprint and Low-initial-cost            1    Atorvastatin  4.421  14932410  27.214
                    Your lab space can be kept with high
                                                                 2    Impurity H   5.449  17169678   31.292
                    functionality by small footprint
                                                                 3   Unknown imp   6.032  22767800   41.494
                    Available in two standard configurations
                    to match your requirements                The UFPLC system is capable of trapping maximum
                                                              5 peaks in one injection run on 5 different trap
                         Standard system with one trapping   columns. It also rinses the individual trap columns
                         column                               by different rinsing solution to remove salts. It
                         Advanced system with five trapping   ensures that the compounds are transferred into
                                                              free bases before they are eluted.
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