Page 29 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
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Application  No.L495

            n Automated Optimization of Chiral Separation      ranking results from the optional software. The software
              Parameters for Omeprazole                        automatically ranks all the chromatograms with
            Fig. 3 shows the results from a total of 36 possible   separation greater than a given criteria (in this case, 1.5).
            combinations of 12 chiral columns and 3 types of   This confirmed the utility of using the Nexera UC chiral
            modifiers (methanol, ethanol, and acetonitrile/ethanol   screening system to automatically optimize separation
            mixture).                                          parameters for chiral SFC, which otherwise requires a
            For omeprazole, separation of peaks for two chiral forms   complicated process of selecting analytical conditions.
            were confirmed within 8 minutes of retention. Fig. 4
            shows the separation evaluation and optimal parameter

                            Modifier: Methanol                                   Ethanol
                     IA        IB        IC         ID                IA        IB        IC         ID

                     IE        IF        AD        AS                 IE        IF        AD        AS

                    AY        OD         OJ        OZ                AY        OD         OJ        OZ

                        Acetonitrile/ethanol = 75/25 (v/v)
                                                                Column                  Stationary phase
                                                                                 Amylose tris (3, 5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)
                  IA           IB        IC        ID       CHIRALPAK ®  IA-3/SFC (IA)  Cellulose tris (3, 5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)
                                                            CHIRALPAK ®  IB-3/SFC (IB)
                                                            CHIRALPAK ®  IC-3/SFC (IC)  Cellulose tris (3, 5-dichlorophenylcarbamate)
                                                            CHIRALPAK ®  ID-3/SFC (ID)  Amylose tris (3-chlorophenylcarbamate)
                                                            CHIRALPAK ®  IE-3/SFC (IE)  Amylose tris (3, 5-dichlorophenylcarbamate)
                     IE        IF        AD        AS       CHIRALPAK ®  IF-3/SFC (IF)  Amylose tris (3-chloro-4-methylphenylcarbamate)
                                                           CHIRALPAK ®  AD-3/SFC (AD)  Amylose tris (3, 5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)
                                                           CHIRALPAK ®  AS-3/SFC (AS)  Amylose tris [(S)-Ћ-methylbenzylcarbamate]
                                                           CHIRALPAK ®  AY-3/SFC (AY)  Amylose tris (5-chloro-2-methylphenylcarbamate)
                    AY        OD         OJ        OZ      CHIRALCEL ®  OD-3/SFC (OD)  Cellulose tris (3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)
                                                            CHIRALCEL ®  OJ-3/SFC (OJ)  Cellulose tris (4-methylbenzoate)
                                                           CHIRALCEL ®  OZ-3/SFC (OZ)  Cellulose tris (3-chloro-4-methylphenylcarbamate)
                         Fig. 3  Comparison of Separation Using Different Combinations of 12 Chiral Columns and 3 Modifiers

            Ranking  Run No.  Analytical Condition   Resolution  Separatoin factor  Symmetry factor Retention factor  Area%  Peak
                                                                           Peak1  Peak2  Peak1  Peak2  Peak1  Peak2 number
               1    32      Omeprazole_OZ-3_MeOH_20_40  7.965      1.921    1.16  1.159  6.583  12.644  49.829  50.171  2
               2    17      Omeprazole_IC-3_MeOH_20_40  5.587      1.602   1.387  1.274  8.078  12.937  49.971  50.029  2
               3    16      Omeprazole_IC-3_EtOH_20_40  5.382      1.639   1.915  1.661  8.617  14.124  49.984  50.016  2
               4    31      Omeprazole_OZ-3_EtOH_20_40  5.377      1.599   1.169  1.162  7.229  11.561  49.778  50.222  2
               5    1       Omeprazole_AD-3_EtOH_20_40  3.996      1.509   1.257  1.404  8.779  13.25  50.054  49.946  2
               6    8       Omeprazole_AY-3_MeOH_20_40  3.55       2.08    1.178  1.145  3.652  7.597  49.974  50.026  2
               7    11      Omeprazole_IA-3_MeOH_20_40  3.428      1.523   1.464  1.312  7.435  11.327  49.973  50.027  2
               8    4       Omeprazole_AS-3_EtOH_20_40  2.515      1.673   1.657  1.518  1.244  2.081  49.754  50.246  2
               9    10      Omeprazole_IA-3_EtOH_20_40  1.586      1.157   1.322  1.279  7.115  8.234  49.347  50.653  2
                            Separation Parameters for Rank 1
                             Column: CHIRALCEL  OZ-3/SFC
                                  Modifier: Methanol
                            Separation Parameters for Rank 2
                              Column: CHIRALPAK  IC/SFC
                                  Modifier: Methanol
                            Separation Parameters for Rank 3
                              Column: CHIRALPAK  IC/SFC
                                  Modifier: Ethanol
                      Fig. 4  Evaluation of Separation Parameters and Chiral Separation Chromatogram Using Optimized Parameters

                                                               * CHIRALPAK  and CHIRALCEL  are registered trademarks of Daicel
                                                                                                      First Edition: Oct. 2015

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
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