Page 31 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 31

Application   No. L517

                (× 10,000)                                           (× 1,000)
                      1:346.10 > 198.10 (+)                           1:359.90 > 150.10 (+)
               3.0                                                5.0
               2.5           (A)                                  4.0          (A)
               0.5                                                1.0
                  0     1.0   2.0   3.0   4.0   5.0                  0     1.0   2.0   3.0   4.0   5.0

                                                                        Rabeprazole Added to Human Plasma (3 μg/L)
                     Omeprazole Added to Human Plasma (20 μg/L)

            The repeatability of the area values at 2 μg/L obtained from   (× 10,000)
            five repetitions was favorable with RSD values of 4.4 % for
            both omeprazole (A) and (B). At 10 μg/L, the recovery rates   5.0  1:359.90 > 150.10 (+)
            calculated from the results of stock solution analyses were
            101.1 % and 100.5 % respectively.
                                                                  4.0                  (B)

            „  Analysis of Rabeprazole in a Plasma Sample
            Rabeprazole, known as a gastric acid secretion inhibitor, has
            a similar chemical structure to omeprazole, suggesting the
            possibility of successful chiral separation under similar   2.0
            analytical conditions including the same analytical column.
            Here we attempted  to analyze rabeprazole in a plasma   1.0
            sample based on the analytical conditions used for
            omeprazole in the previous section. The chemical structure of   0
            rabeprazole is  shown below.  The structural  similarity to
                                                                     0    1.0   2.0   3.0    4.0   5.0
            omeprazole is easily recognized. As shown in Table 1, analysis
            was successful by merely changing  the modifier
            concentration and the MRM settings.                         Rabeprazole Added to Human Plasma (30 μg/L)

                                                               The repeatability of the area values at 10 μg/L obtained from
                                                               five repetitions was favorable with RSD values of 1.8 % and
                                                               2.4 % for rabeprazole (A) and (B) respectively. The recovery
                                                               rates calculated from the results of stock solution analyses
                   Rabeprazole                                 were 102.5 % and 100.1 % respectively. Table 2 summarizes
                                                               the linearity, peak area repeatability, and recovery rate for
                                                               each compound. These results verify the applicability of this
                                                               method to the practical analysis of plasma samples.
                             Rabeprazole Structure

            Calibration curve was crated based on human plasma               Table 2  Evaluation Results
            samples that contained 0.3, 1, 3, 10 and 30 μg/L of standard        Linearity   Area   Recovery Rate
            raberlazole to confirm the linearity of loaded amounts. Fig. 6        (r )   Repeatability   (%) (4)
            and Fig. 7 show the MRM chromatograms for 3 μg/L and   Omeprazole (A)  0.99996 (1)   4.4 (3)   101.1
            30 μg/L respectively. As in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, (A) is the fast-
                                                                Omeprazole (B)   0.99998 (1)   4.4 (3)   100.5
            eluting isomer among the optically separated peaks and (B) is
            the slow-eluting isomer.                            Rabeprazole (A)  0.99996 (2)   1.8 (4)   102.5
            The   linearity  (r )  obtained  after  correcting  by  Rabeprazole (B)  0.99999 (2)   2.4 (4)   100.1
            1/(concentration squared) was favorable at 0.99996 for   (1) 1 to 100 μg/L, (2) 0.3 to 300 μg/L, (3) 2 μg/L, (4) 10 μg/L
            rabeprazole (A) and 0.99999 for rabeprazole (B).

            Notes:  This product has not been approved or certified as a medical device under the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act of Japan.
                  It cannot be used for the purpose of medical examination and treatment or related procedures.
                                                                                                      First Edition: Mar. 2017
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
                                             This publication may contain references to products that are not available in your country. Please contact us to check the availability of these
                                             products in your country.

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                                                                                                  © Shimadzu Corporation, 2017
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