Page 36 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 36


                          Upgrade Your Existing UHPLC

                    to an UHPLC/SFC Switching System

            Reduce Instrument Purchase Costs and Enable SFC Analysis Immediately
            You can now upgrade to an UHPLC/SFC switching system (Nexera UC/s) by adding the applicable SFC units to your
            existing UHPLC system.
            This enables you to perform both UHPLC and SFC analysis with a single system.

                    Upgrading Lowers
                   Purchasing Costs and
                Reduces Installation Space

                      UHPLC System                               UHPLC/SFC Switching System (Nexera UC/s)

            SFC Analysis Improves Separation and Analysis Times, while Reducing Solvent Consumption
            In comparison to UHPLC, column efficiency is not impaired in SFC analysis even at a high flow rate. As a result, analysis
            times are shortened by the increase in speed. At the same time, since the separation characteristics are different,
            improved separation can be expected for foreign substances and isomers that are not sufficiently separated by UHPLC.
            Further, the consumed amount of organic solvents can be reduced.

                Improved Separation           Shortened Analysis Times           Reduced Solvent Consumption
                with SFC Analysis
                                 UHPLC        1. α-Tocopherol                       Isopropanol
                              ODS Column      2. β-Tocopherol  3                      = 99:1
                          2 3                 3. γ-Tocopherol  2                 (Normal phase LC)
                                              4. δ-Tocopherol  1                                         12.00 mL
                         1                                                           Methanol
                                                                                    (Nexera UC)  0.70 mL 94.2% reduced
                                                   2 3
              6.0    7.0     8.0     min             4
                                                                                          Comparison of organic solvent consumption
                         2  SFC-Amide Column                       UHPLC          Normal phase LC       30,126 JPY
                                                                                    Nexera UC  3,745 JPY 87.6% reduced
                  2.0    3.0     4.0  min   0    2   4   6    8   10  12 min                   Comparison of costs
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