Page 33 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
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Application   No. L519

            Next, by employing the microdialysis method in which biological   Table 4  Online SFE-SFC-MS/MS Conditions
            compounds are continuously sampled from an awake animal via   Vessel  : 0.2 mL (1 μL of sample was added to filter paper)
            the semipermeable membrane of a minute dialytic  probe   Extractant  : A) Supercritical fluid of CO2
            connected to a pump, cerebrospinal fluid was sampled from a rat   B) Methanol containing 20 mmol/L ammonium
            and directly delivered to SFC analysis. The injection volume of   formate / water = 95/5 (v/v)
                                                                             A/B = 9/1 (v/v)
            cerebrospinal fluid was set to 1 μL due to concerns regarding the   Flow rate  : 2.5 mL/min
            miscibility between the aqueous sample and low  polar   Extraction time  : Static (0-3 min) – Dynamic (3-6 min) –
            supercritical carbon dioxide, which is the main component of the   Static (6-8 min) - Dynamic (8-11 min) –
            mobile phase used in SFC. With respect to acetylcholine, the LOQ   Static (11-13 min) – Dynamic (13-16 min)
            determined according to the ASTM method was about 10 μg/L.   BPR pressure  : 10 Mpa
            Since the calculated concentration was less than the LOQ, only   Extraction temp.  : 60 °C
                                                                            : B Conc. 10 % (16 min) → 25 % (26 min) →
                                                                Time program
            peak identification was  performed. As shown  in Table  3, the   50 % (26.1-28 min) → 10 % (28.1-31 min)
            retention time and peak area repeatabilities were favorable for   * SFC-MS/MS conditions are identical to Table 1 except for the time program.
            the six repeated analyses  of  choline. Fig. 4 shows the
            chromatograms resulting from SFC analysis of the cerebrospinal   Fig 5. shows the result obtained from online SFE-SFC-MS/MS
            fluid sample.                                      analysis of a sample created by dropping 1 μL of 100 μg/L

                                                               standard solution onto filter paper (GA-200 by ADVANTEC).
               Table 3  Choline Quantitative Value in Rat Cerebrospinal     Fig. 6 shows the result obtained by processing the rat
                     Fluid Sample and Repeatabilities (n = 6)
                                                               cerebrospinal fluid sample in the same manner. The peak
                                       Retention time  Peak area  obtained for acetylcholine was small like  the  SFC  analysis
                                         (%RSD)    (%RSD)
                                                               result, however, since the baseline noise level was improved
             Choline (Concentration 229.6 μg/L)  0.10  3.1     in comparison, improved LOQ was obtained. Because the S/N
                                                               value of corresponding peak to acetylcholine was more than

                                                               15 based on the baseline noise determined by ASTM method,
               1.00                                            a simple quantitative calculation was  made based on  the
                                                               100 μg/L standard data in the same way as the more
                                                               concentrated choline. The obtained choline concentration of
               0.75                                            297 μg/L was close to the  SFC result and  suggested that
                                                               extraction in online SFE was performed efficiently. For
               0.50                                            acetylcholine, a calulation result of 1.7 μg/L was obtained
                                             Choline           from the peak area.
               0.25        Acetylcholine
                  0.0   2.5   5.0   7.5  10.0  12.5   min
                  (×10,000)                                                Acetylcholine
                2.0                                                                              Choline
                                        Choline                  0.0
                                                                    0         10         20         30   min

                                                                          Online SFE-SFC Analysis of Choline and
                0.0                                                          Acetylcholine Standards
                         8.0     9.0   10.0    11.0  min          (×100,000)

                      SFC Analysis of Choline and Acetylcholine
                        in a Cerebrospinal Fluid Sample
            „  Online SFE-SFC-MS/MS Analysis                            Acetylcholine        Choline
            Next, a sample  was prepared by impregnating  cerebrospinal
            fluid sample into filter  paper and drying the paper. SFE-SFC-
            MS/MS analysis was then performed on the  sample. The
            convenience of this method is  gaining attention not  only   0.0
            because of easy of sample handling  but also because of
            improved miscibility concerns between a mobile phase of low
            polar supercritical carbon dioxide and an aqueous sample   20.0  21.0  22.0   23.0    24.0   min
            solvent containing a biological sample. Table 4 lists the
            conditions used in online SFE-SFC-MS/MS analysis.             Online SFE-SFC Analysis of Choline and
                                                                      Acetylcholine in a Cerebrospinal Fluid Sample
                                                                                                      First Edition: Mar. 2017
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
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                                             products in your country.

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                                                                                                  © Shimadzu Corporation, 2017
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