Page 30 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
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            Application                  Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

                                         Analysis and Evaluation of Chiral Drugs in Biological
                                         Samples Using the Nexera UC-MS/MS System
            No. L517

            As introduced in Application News No. L495, the                Table 1  Analytical Conditions
            optimization for chiral separation using supercritical   Column  : CHIRALPAK®, IC-3
            fluid chromatography (SFC) starts from employing                 (100 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 3 Pm)
                                                                Mobile phase  : A) Super critical fluid of CO2
            column scouting to find the column and mobile phase              B) Modifier: Methanol
            appropriate to separation.  This article introduces an           A/B = 5/1 (v/v for omeprazole, isocratic)
            example of the selectivity and sensitivity of drug level            = 4/1 (v/v for rabeprazole, isocratic)
            monitoring in a biological sample and the evaluation   Flow rate   : 3 mL/min
                                                                Column temp.  : 40 qC
            results of the analysis method, as an application to the   Injection volume  : 3 μL
            pharmacokinetics research of chiral separation using   BPR pressure  : 10 MPa
            SFC/MS/MS,  after having selected an appropriate    BPR temp.   : 50 qC
                                                                            : LCMS- 8050 (ESI, MRM mode)
            column.                                             Make-up     : Methanol
                                        Y. Watabe, T. Hattori, T. Iida   Make-up flow rate : 0.1 mL/min
                                                                MRM         : (+) m/z 346.1 > 198.1 (for omeprazole)
                                                                             (+) m/z 359.9 > 150.1 (for rabeprazole)
            „  Analysis of Omeprazole in a Plasma Sample
            The applicability of human plasma matrix to SFC was   Calibration curve was created based on human plasma
            evaluated taking an example of enantiomeric drug   samples that  contained 1, 2, 10, 2 and  100 μg/L of
            omeprazole, well-known as a proton pump inhibitor.   standard omeplazole to confirm the linearity of loaded
            Fig. 1 shows the chemical structure of omeprazole. Fig.   amounts.
            2 shows the pretreatment procedure employed for the   Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the  MRM chromatograms for
            blood plasma sample. Table 1 lists the analytical   2 μg/L and 20 μg/L respectively. Among the optically
            conditions. CHIRALPAK®  IC-3 from Daicel Company,   separated peaks, (A) is the fast-eluting isomer and (B) is
            which exhibited good separation when utilized in   the slow-eluting isomer. The linearity (r ) obtained after
            Application News No. L495 was used as the column.   correcting by 1/(concentration squared) was favorable
            Detection was performed using the LCMS-8050 triple   at 0.99996 for omeprazole (A) and 0.99998 for
            quadrupole mass spectrometer.                      omeprazole (B).

                                                                     (× 1,000)
                                                                       1:346.10 > 198.10 (+)
                      Omeprazole                                  2.0

                             Omeprazole Structure

                  20 μL of plasma
                              250 μL of acetonitrile
                                                                     0     1.0   2.0   3.0   4.0   5.0

                                  250 μL of acetonitrile/               Omeprazole Added to Human Plasma (2 μg/L)
                              28 % aqueous ammonia= 1000/1 (v/v)

                  Inject 3 μL

                       Plasma Sample Pretreatment Procedure
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