Page 34 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 34


            Application                  Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry

                                         Developing a Chiral Amino Acid Analysis Method
                                         That Uses Column Switching
            No. C149

            With the exception of glycine, the 20 types of amino acids that   analysis methods for accurate measurement.  Furthermore,
            make up proteins occur as D and L optical isomers. L-amino   conventional optical separation analysis of amino acids
            acids occur in large  quantities in  the body as  protein   necessitated derivatization and long separation times of the
            components and sources of nutrients. As for D-amino acids,   amino acids.
            despite the fact that they are much less abundant than L-amino   This article introduces a rapid analysis method that employs
            acids, they are attracting attention in various fields as   chiral columns to achieve high separation and high sensitivity
            components associated with the component analysis of   and that dispenses with derivatization [1]. This system uses
            fermented foods, physiological functions in the central nervous   two types of chiral columns alternately with high-pressure
            system, biomarkers, and even health and beauty.    column switching valves (FCV) and allows fully automatic
            Analysis of D-amino acids is susceptible to interference by a   analysis of a wide range of D- and L-amino acids.
            wide variety of peptides and amino compounds, and                                     Y. Uno, T. Hattori
            therefore requires high sensitivity and highly selective
                                         Pump A
                                                                CR-I (+)
                                                     FCV                     FCV    waste

                                                                CR-I (−)            waste

                                         Pump B
                                                     Guard column
                                Mobile phase

                                        Chiral Amino Acid Analysis System That Uses Column Switching

            A system capable of analysis by automatically switching between two column types, CR-I (+) and CR-I (−), using two high-pressure
            column switching valves (FCV) was configured (Fig. 1). Pump A is connected to CR-I (+) and pump B is connected to CR-I (−). This
            means that even if one column is undergoing analysis, the other column can undergo stabilization without stopping mobile phase
                   (×1,000,000)                                  (×1,000,000)
                 2.5                                           2.25
                                         CROWNPAK CR-I(+)      2.00                      CROWNPAK CR-I(−)
                 2.0                                           1.75
                 1.5                                           1.25
                 1.0                                           0.75
                 0.5                                           0.50
                 0.0                                           0.25
                   0.0  1.0  2.0   3.0   4.0  5.0   6.0  7.0  min  0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0   6.0  7.0  min

                        MRM Chromatograms of D- and L-Amino Acids in Standard Mixed Solution (Sample Concentration: 1 ng/1 μL)

                                                   Table 1  Analysis Conditions
                      Column                 :   CROWNPAK CR-I (+) / CR-I (–) (3 mm × 150 mm, 5 μm, DAICEL Corp.)
                      Mobile phase           :   Acetonitrile/ethanol/water/TFA = 80/15/5/0.5
                      Flow rate              :   0.6 mL/min
                      Injection volume       :   1 μL
                      Oven temperature       :   20 °C
                      Ionization mode        :   ESI (Positive)
                      Probe voltage          :  +4.0 kV
                      Neburizing gas flow    :   3.0 L/min
                      Drying gas flow        :   15.0 L/min
                      Heating gas flow       :   5.0 L/min
                      Interface temperature  :   250 °C
                      DL temperature         :   250 °C
                      Block heater temperature   :   300 °C
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