Page 37 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 37

Reliable Analysis Even When Switching Between SFC and UHPLC Modes
            SFC and UHPLC utilize significantly different mobile phases and separation characteristics, but analysis can be
            performed reliably without effects from switching modes by simply purging the flow lines.

                         SFC (1)   Switch from  UHPLC (1)  Switch from  SFC (2)  Switch from  UHPLC (2)
                                   SFC to UHPLC           UHPLC to SFC           SFC to UHPLC

                      SFC (n=5 for each)                        UHPLC (n=5 for each)
                                       Indapamide                 Propranolol  Indapamide
                                                After switching from LC
                                                (SFC (2))                                After switching from SFC
                                                                                         (UHPLC (2))

                                                Before switching                         After switching from SFC
                                                (SFC (1))                                (UHPLC (1))
                             1.0        2.0   min                   1.0       2.0     min
            Two Separation Methods Heighten the Efficiency of Examining the Optimal Separation Conditions

            Various separation methods, including the separation of chiral compounds and structural isomer, are required in fields
            such as pharmaceuticals, foods, and the environment. For example, in the case of method scouting with two chiral
            standard samples, favorable separation is obtained for omeprazole with UHPLC conditions, and imdapamide with SFC
            conditions. Screening utilizing these two methods makes it possible to construct better analysis conditions in a short
            time. Switching between SFC and UHPLC analysis methods is easy with the dedicated software.


                          UHPLC        UHPLC       UHPLC            UHPLC        UHPLC       UHPLC
                        Chiral Column A  Chiral Column B  Chiral Column C  Chiral Column A  Chiral Column B  Chiral Column C

                           SFC          SFC         SFC              SFC          SFC         SFC
                        Chiral Column A  Chiral Column B  Chiral Column C  Chiral Column A  Chiral Column B  Chiral Column C

                                Omeprazole Method Scouting                Imdapamide Method Scouting

            Kit for Upgrading to an SFC Analysis System       Shutoff Valve
                                                                                              Column Oven
            You can upgrade to an UHPLC/SFC switching system      Solvent Delivery Unit  Switching
                                                                    (CO2 Pump)
                                                                                 Valve               UV/PDA
            (Nexera UC/s) capable of UHPLC and SFC analysis       Solvent Delivery Unit              Detector
            using the existing* solvent delivery unit,
            autosampler, oven, and detectors.                               Autosampler
                                                                                                        Back Pressure
            * The following units can be used in combination when upgrading.
                                                           Organic Solvent Mobile Phase
               Solvent delivery Unit: LC-30AD
                                                                  Solvent Delivery Unit
               Autosampler: SIL-30AC
               Column oven: CTO-20A/20AC                                                                 Additional Unit
               Detector: SPD-20A(V), SPD-M20A
               Mass spectrometer: LCMS-2020, LCMS-80X0
                                                             Water Mobile Phase

                                                                                                   © Shimadzu Corporation, 2017
                                                                                First Edition: November 2016, Printed in Japan
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