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            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Ultra-High Speed Analysis of USP Methods Conforming

                                         to Permissible Limits in New USP General Chapter 621

            In the General Chapter <621> Chromatography of the   This change is based on the theory that if L/dp is kept
            U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), the ranges within which   constant, equivalent separation performance will be
            changes to HPLC and GC parameters are permissible are   maintained. For example, if a column of length 150 mm
            indicated, and as long as the values are within that   and particle size of 5 µm (L/dp = 150,000 µm / 5 µm =
            range, and as long as the system suitability requirements   30,000) is changed to one of column length 50 mm and
            are satisfied, the method can be changed without   particle size 1.6 µm (L/dp = 31,250), L/dp can be
            revalidation. An example of a faster method by which   maintained at +4.2 %, thereby obtaining equivalent
            these changes remained within the permissible range   separation performance. In addition, the following formula
            was previously introduced in Application News No. L448.  can be used with respect to flowrate.
            The General Chapter 621 was again revised, and the           F2 = F1 × [(dc2  × dp  ) / (dc1  × dp )]
            revision has been in effect as of August 1, 2014.                          1          2
            Previously, a reduction of up to 50 % in the column   F1 and F2 express the original USP monograph flowrate and
            particle size was permitted, but according to the new   the modified flowrate, respectively. Also, dc and dp express
            revisions to the General Chapter 621 that has been in   the column internal diameter and column packing particle
            effect, the column particle size can be freely selected.   size, respectively. This expression includes two principles.
            Therefore, even though the current particle size of 5 µm   The first is that the flowrate is adjusted in proportion to the
            is specified, columns with particle size in the sub-2 µm   column cross-sectional area, or in other words, the linear
            region may be used, permitting even faster analyses.  velocity is kept constant. The second is that because the
            Here, we introduce an example of a faster analysis of a   particle size and optimal flowrate are inversely proportional,
            USP method in compliance with the new General      the point is to change the flowrate in inverse proportion to
            Chapter 621 using the Nexera X2 ultra high         the particle size. For example, the USP monograph
            performance liquid chromatograph and the Shim-pack   stipulates that for a 4.6 × 150 mm, 5 µm column, a
            XR-ODS Ⅲ high-speed analytical column.             flowrate of 1.0 mL/min is specified, and if the column is
                                                               changed to a 2.0 × 50 mm, 1.6 µm column, a flowrate of
            *Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., USA        0.59 mL/min is required. Further, if the particle size is
                                                               changed from ≧3 µm to <3 µm, it is permissible to increase
            n Permissible Limits of Modification for HPLC Parameters  the flowrate further as long as the column efficiency does
            Tables 1 and 2 list the permissible limits of the HPLC   not decrease more than 20 %. Conversely, if a <3 µm
            column-related parameters according to the General   particle size is changed to ≧3 µm, the flowrate may need to
            Chapter 621 of the previous and new version of the   be decreased so that the column efficiency does not
            specifications, respectively. These changes apply to the   decrease more than 20 %.
            column length, particle size, and flowrate. It should be
            noted that these changes apply only to isocratic   n Speed Enhancement of a USP Method
            analysis, and are not applicable to gradient analysis.  Here, we introduce a faster method of the impurity analysis of
                                                               sulfacetamide as defined in the USP. Sulfacetamide is a type of
             Table 1  Permissible Limits of HPLC Parameters in the Previous   sulfonamide antibacterial drug. The column specified in the
                   General Chapter 621 (effective until July 31, 2014)  USP for this analysis is the 4.6 × 150 mm, 5 µm, L1 (ODS),
                                                               using a flowrate of 0.8 mL/min. In this case, if the
             Column diameter  Can be adjusted if the linear velocity is kept constant  2.0 × 50 mm, 1.6 µm, L1, Shim-pack XR-ODS Ⅲ column is
             Column length  Can be adjusted by as much as ±70 %  used, almost the same L/dp value is obtained. The flowrate can
             Particle size  Can be reduced by as much as 50 %, but cannot
                          be increased.                        be calculated as 0.47 mL/min from the formula just introduced.
             Flowrate     Can be adjusted based on column cross-sectional   Although analysis of a system suitability test solution, a
                          area ratio. In addition, can be adjusted by ±50 %.  standard solution, and the sample solution are all required in
                                                               an actual analysis, here we show the chromatograms obtained
              Table 2  Permissible Limits of HPLC Parameters in the New   from analysis of system suitability test solutions (0.2 mg/mL
                   General Chapter 621 (effective as of August 1, 2014)   USP sulfacetamide reference standard, 0.05 mg/mL
             Column diameter  Can be adjusted if the linear velocity is kept constant  sulfanilamide USP reference standard). For the HPLC system,
             Column length and  May be modified provided that the ratio of the   the Prominence was used, and for the UHPLC system, the
             particle size  column  length  (L)  to  the  particle  size  (dp)   Nexera X2 was used. Table 3 shows the analytical conditions,
                          remains constant or within the range of -25 %   Fig. 1 shows the chromatograms obtained, and Table 4 shows
                          to +50 % of the prescribed L/dp ratio.
             Flowrate     Can be adjusted using column cross-sectional   the system suitability test results. Using the Nexera X2 system
                          area ratio and particle size inverse ratio.*  and the Shim-pack XR-ODSⅢ column, in addition to meeting
                          When a change is made from  ≧ 3 µm  particle   the system suitability requirements, we were able to shorten
                          size to  < 3 µm particle size, or from  < 3 µm
                          particle  size to  ≧3 µm  particle  size, the  linear   the analysis time significantly. In this investigation, not only was
                          velocity  may  be  changed  within  a  range  in   the analysis shortened to about 1/10 the time on a per-minute
                          which the column efficiency does not decrease
                          more than 20 %.*                     basis, solvent consumption was also reduced to about 1/15
                          In addition, it can be adjusted by ±50 %.  that normally required.
                                                   * See text
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